Satanist’s Imagery Approved For Display at Florida State Capitol – IOTW Report

Satanist’s Imagery Approved For Display at Florida State Capitol



ht/ Norman Einstein via STORIES THEY FORGOT (bookmark them!)

13 Comments on Satanist’s Imagery Approved For Display at Florida State Capitol

  1. These aren’t “Satanists” – -these are neckbearded, Christian-baiting, Richard Dawkins-fanboys who couldn’t be bothered to construct an attractive, witty, or even professional-looking display,

  2. After having the Festuvous pole made of Papts Blue Ribbon beer cans and the Pastafacarians tribute to the Flying Spaghetti Monster last year, why not go all out satanist?
    Seriously, in the post 09/11/2001, even as a State of Florida employee, I had to show a state employee picture badge to enter the Capitol and other state office buildings.
    Now, we have this sacralege masquerading as art and, of course, the dreamer idiots and occupiers (essentially interchangeable rent a mob protesters) occupying the State Capitol.

  3. We have a local atheist here in Chicago named Rob Sherman who’s been infamous for his godless douchebaggery (screwing around with villages that have crucifixes in their logos, on water towers, etc.)

    At any rate, I heard him on the radio here years back and he had his seven year old with him, and the host asked, incredulously, if he was inculcating the lad as a non-believer as well.

    Sherman turned to his son, and said “what are we…our belief?”, to which the kid seemed puzzled. He continues, goading “you know, son, the word that begins with an “A” that everyone calls us”.

    The kid says, completely innocently, “uuuhhhh, Assholes”?


    From the mouths of babes, as they say.

  4. Good one Chief!
    First look.. Looks like they tried to make Christ look like a mooslum. Instead of a crown of thorns they made it a happy birthday ‘hat’.
    And they think they won’t answer for it. Are they in for a BIG surprise!!

  5. If you destroyed it and was caught, couldn’t you get off by saying the Devil made you do it?

    Destroying it would be like a worship service, no? Sounds right. Let’s go with that.

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