Saudi Arabia Rebukes Mediation With Canada – IOTW Report

Saudi Arabia Rebukes Mediation With Canada

…”Responding to a question about the reason for the activists’ arrests, Jubeir said that charges against them would be made public once their cases reach the courts, repeating earlier allegations that they had been in touch with foreign entities.”…

CTH: While not delivering specifics on the activity, from hints provided it appears Justin from Canada and his partner Princess Chrystia Freeland was/is supporting a subversive effort to undermine Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) and the Saudi royal family.  Not good.

RIYADH/DUBAI (Reuters) – Saudi Arabia said on Wednesday there is no room for mediation in the kingdom’s deepening diplomatic dispute with Canada, and that Ottawa knew what it needed to do to “fix its big mistake”.

“There is nothing to mediate. A mistake has been made and a mistake should be corrected,” Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told a news conference in Riyadh.

In an indication that the quarrel may worsen, Jubeir said that the kingdom was still “considering additional measures” against Canada, but did not elaborate.

Saudi Arabia on Sunday froze new trade with Canada and expelled the Canadian ambassador in retaliation for Ottawa’s call to free arrested Saudi civil society activists.  MORE

17 Comments on Saudi Arabia Rebukes Mediation With Canada

  1. A good first step for Justine would be to fire his Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia “Princess Rainbow Sparkles” Freeland, and offer a groveling apology to KSA with a promise to never ever again interfere with ANY other country’s internal affairs.

    That’ll never happen, of course. He’d rather spend an hour each day plucking out nose hairs one by one and snorting lemon juice.

    What a bunch of bumbling idiots.

  2. “Canadian Stupid”

    You people thought it was a one off comment in a thread. Turns out it’s a way of life for those people up north.

    Off topic…. but…. can we have a contest to try and goad Canada into war with Saudi Arabia? Man, that would be hilarious.

  3. Trudeau is Obama w/out the clout of US power behind him … all hat, no cattle

    just like Obama … no balls, no blue chips … just another dweeb to be pushed around, once the world leaders realize

    game’s up, soy boy

  4. Meaningful negotiations require mutual respect. Nobody respects that little faggot from Canada. Nobody respects the freaken morons that voted for him either. You reap what you sow. Unfortunately, or fortunately, it does all boil down to Toxic Masculinity.

  5. @Aaron Burr:

    …can we have a contest to try and goad Canada into war with Saudi Arabia? Man, that would be hilarious.

    I love it!

    How about we send MBS a bacon sandwich on toast, with mohammad’s face on the toast, with an Ottawa return address? And to Justine, a framed photo of Margaret Trudeau doing anal with Fidel Castro, postmarked Riyadh?

  6. Trudeau will be gone in the next election. That’s when there will be a chance to repair the relationship. As for an apology you ought to know that’s not going to happen regardless of who is in power. He can fire Freeland but I suspect that he knew and gave permission for this public questioning of Saudi domestic policy and he can’t risk her holding her own press conference. Now Trudeau may be a douche who tripped over his own dick and dumped his country into the crapper however he never bowed to the Saudi’s while Obama did, so glass houses all.


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