Saudi-Arabia’s Tent City Could House 3 Million Refugees – IOTW Report

Saudi-Arabia’s Tent City Could House 3 Million Refugees


[…]The wealthiest nation of the Arab states near Syria will not admit a single refugee. But what does the situation look like in terms of their capacity?

tent city saudi arabia

For weeks now, Europe has been in a state of emergency. This has been the biggest mass of people wandering through Europe Since World War Two. Many western governments are under pressure. There are even allegations made that they don’t do enough.

But at the same time, there are huge capacities available on the Arabian continent.  MORE HERE

4 Comments on Saudi-Arabia’s Tent City Could House 3 Million Refugees

  1. Even with a beautiful tent city for 3 million of the faithful they still managed to kill over 1400 pilgrims during this year’s Haj, making it the single most hazardous activity for muzzies. Even Bashar al Assad can’t kill that many in one shot.

    So next year the US should charter as many large aircraft and cruise liners as possible to make sure at least 6-7 million hsj pilgrims show up in Mecca at the same time. Hell, the Russians would love to help. How many Chechen muzzie extremists do you think they can send to Mecca, armed or otherwise??

    Airdrop bars of soap and a couple of tons of bacon right in the middle of ’em & in the resulting stampede one could easily expect casualty counts approaching those only otherwise possible with tactical nuclear weapons….and speaking of target rich environments…

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