Saudis execute and crucify man for stabbing woman to death – IOTW Report

Saudis execute and crucify man for stabbing woman to death

DC: Saudi Arabia executed and then crucified a man in the holy city of Mecca on Wednesday, employing a rare form of punishment the kingdom uses for grave crimes.

Elias Abulkalaam Jamaleddeen was accused of breaking into the home of a woman from Myanmar and stabbing her to death, Bloomberg reported, citing the Saudi Interior Ministry.

He was further charged with attempting to rape a separate woman and kill a man whose house he also broke into.

Saudi Arabia frequently uses the death penalty for a range of crimes including murder, adultery and apostasy, but crucifixions are much rarer. Crucifixions in the kingdom often entail hanging a body in public after the condemned has been beheaded. more here

9 Comments on Saudis execute and crucify man for stabbing woman to death

  1. We’d have far fewer rapes and murders if we did that. Rape used to be a hanging offense in this country before liberals twisted the laws. Now thousands of rapists and murderers prowl the streets.

  2. I’m with Vet. It’s hard to root for these guys against Canada when they can’t even get a 2000 year old form of capital punishment right.

    Execute before crucifixion? ……Seriously?

    Everyone involved ends up looking retarded. They should stick with rocks. Stoning to death is a level of technology these people can handle.

  3. Elias Abulkalaam Jamaleddeen was accused of breaking into the home of a woman from Myanmar and stabbing her to death, Bloomberg reported, citing the Saudi Interior Ministry.

    He was further charged with attempting to rape a separate woman…

    He was executed for that?

    …and kill a man whose house he also broke into.

    Oh. Nevermind…

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