‘Save My People from This Oppression’: Uyghur Women Recall Abuses They Suffered in Chinese Concentration Camps – IOTW Report

‘Save My People from This Oppression’: Uyghur Women Recall Abuses They Suffered in Chinese Concentration Camps

Western Journal: While the Chinese Communist Party may be trying to deflect accusations of its discriminatory treatment of Uyghurs, members of the Muslim minority community are speaking up to share their stories of religious persecution.

As The Christian Post reported, during the International Religious Freedom Summit on Wednesday, Tursunay Ziyawudun helped expose the horrific treatment Uyghurs are subjected to in Chinese concentration camps.

“I was locked up in camps two different times,” Ziyawudun said.

“The second time was even more inhumane than the first, and my experiences in these Chinese camps have left indelible scars on my heart.”

One night, Ziyawudun said, she and a girl in her 20s were taken outside their cells by the guards, where they were joined by a man wearing a suit and a mask over his nose and mouth. The survivor said these men would “rape the young women,” recalling the sexual assault she suffered at the hands of three Han police officers.

“They were always taking girls out of the cells like this. They did whatever they wanted,” she said. more

7 Comments on ‘Save My People from This Oppression’: Uyghur Women Recall Abuses They Suffered in Chinese Concentration Camps

  1. The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.

    Christians & Jews have been persecuted by the “Peaceful” forever.

    I find i difficult to care about the “peaceful” getting some Blowback in some parts of their world.

    I never see CNN saying anything about the persecution of Middle East Christians by the “peaceful”

    PS> Fuck ChYnA

  2. Agree with all of the above. It’s hard to give Muslims much sympathy. Especially when we have old granny J-6 protestors locked up in jail for taking selfies in the capitol. We’ve got to deal with our own tyrannical government first.

  3. In defense of the Uyghur people they are
    some of the rarest form of Muslim on the planet
    and they are probably the most peaceful.
    The Chinese Govt. is pure evil and will rape,
    torture and murder. Just look at the article on
    this site “poop soup” in the South China Sea.
    Every demorat that is in bed with or profits
    from the Chinese has evil slime on them that
    Ajax can’t wash off…


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