Saving Lives from Extreme Heat Requires Reducing Urban Heat Island Effects Not CO2 – IOTW Report

Saving Lives from Extreme Heat Requires Reducing Urban Heat Island Effects Not CO2


From peer-reviewed The Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Warming (1850–2018) in Terms of Human and Natural Factors: Challenges of Inadequate Data

Soon et al (2023): The majority of the stations used for comparing the mid-19th century to the present are now urbanized… The rural and urban trend is 60% higher than that for the rural-only record. It seems plausible that at least some of this extra warming is a result of urbanization bias.”

Graphic A shows US weather stations with at least 70 years of data. Blue dots show cooling trends (34%) and red crosses warming trends (66%). Stations with warming trends are clustered in areas with the most Urban Heat Islands (graphic B), like the northeast, Lake Michigan area and west coast.  Contradicting a homogeneous CO2 global warming effect, cooling weather stations are incongruously observed adjacent to warming stations. However, such contrasting pairs are easily explained by natural vegetation vs urban heat islands. more here

13 Comments on Saving Lives from Extreme Heat Requires Reducing Urban Heat Island Effects Not CO2

  1. 10-Year-Old watching the weather pages in the early 1960s:

    “Hey Dad, how come the centers of all the big cities are warmer than the suburbs?”

    “Because buildings and concrete and asphalt absorb and retain energy more than forests, son.”

    “Makes sense. It’s hotter out over the street and the buildings are warmer than the grass.”


  2. its hotter in urban areas because all the heat trapped inside of building is being moved via AC to the outside. The ac in empty office buildings at night are still running and moving the heat.

  3. wildman Tuesday, 27 August 2024, 10:25 at 10:25 am
    “its hotter in urban areas because all the heat trapped inside of buildings is being moved via AC to the outside”.

    It would be interesting, also, to see Winter-vs.-Summer heat island graphics, as well.

    Makes me wonder how many square miles of US land are paved with black asphalt roads and highways that are visible from above and absorb heat from the sun?

  4. Hey… if they get warm enough in the winter around these parts they won’t have to snow plow!
    That saves energy right?

    Bullwinkle: “Hey Rocky, I got some Glowbull Warming up my sleeve!”
    Rocky: “Aaaaaaannd now itz time for Fractured Fairy Tales”

  5. We just need to bulldoze New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles in order to ameliorate the urban heat island effect and slow down global warming.

    Maybe Washington D.C., Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia and Austin as well. And Martha’s Vineyard … just because it’s Martha’s Vineyard.


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