Say What Now? – IOTW Report

Say What Now?

WNBA Star Brittney Griner Poses With Pregnant Wife.

24 Comments on Say What Now?

  1. Please! It’s like chopping down a weed and another one pops up in its place. We don’t hear much from the soccer dyke any more, so this circus freak starts doubling down with the shit show. Enough already.

  2. The dudes gotta cheat HIS way into the WNBA. And then along comes some skinny ass white girl who looks like she just stepped out of a high school gymnasium and she kicks your ass up and down the court. What’s a black man suppose to do?

  3. Harry, I like the minus IQ pill idea. I would like to try one if they come up with a temporary or reversible one. I have often wished there were a way to interface my brain with a moonbat lefty’s brain just so I could figger out how the hell we just saw the same damned thing, (i.e. the 2020 election, FJB crime family,) and they see, or don’t see, something so blatantly obvious as the shit the dems are pulling.

  4. You get nothin’ back for all you’ve saved
    Just eternity in a spacious grave
    She said, “Nothing is true, everything is permitted”

    Things just go from bad to worse
    Starts like a kiss and ends like a curse
    But nothing’s true, she said everything is permitted

    She got jewels on her tongue to time the stars
    She drives all morning in unmarked cars
    But nothing’s true, it is all permitted

    She got these special tools just to keep things tight
    They robbed her eyes long ago of light
    But nothing’s true, she told me it’s all permitted

    She got inscrutable poise and nihilist charms
    She gets her sleep through tubes in her arm
    She said nothing is true, she said everything is permitted

    She nods on graves, the marble’s cold and white,
    Her dreams surround the sun like a satellite
    She said nothin’ is true, she told me it’s all permitted

    The spiders [milk?] her thigh, it does not phase her
    She cleans her skin with a krypton laser
    Nothing is true, everything is permitted

    She got heels so high, she got a gown so thin
    Her eyes stop the whip before it tames her sin
    She says nothin’ is true, everything is permitted

    Until they perfect the techniques to clone
    You all better remember you’re all alone
    Because nothing is true, she said everything is permitted

    -Jim Carroll

  5. Angus – With the mountain of designer drugs that we see advertised on a daily basis, the Minus IQ pill has got to be the all time block-buster considering all the Stupids out there that can’t even figger out what sex they are!!

  6. XY individuals with a “5-alpha reductase deficiency”, a hormone deficiency that impedes the fetal conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), thus impairing the development of male sex organs. When born, they look female. When these individuals reach puberty, the testosterone in their bodies facilitates the development of male secondary sex characteristics. It is popular to claim that these people are “girls who turn into men”, or people of some other sex. They are not. they are males.

  7. Had to be a woman as no man would ever pretend or act like a woman.

    A mentally ill or lowlife person with no dignity or redeemable qualities may do those things but no man would.

  8. The left is using Griner to push the transgender agenda. His family knows he was born a male with the genetic condition janitor described so well.

    He wasn’t mutilated by butchers calling themselves “physicians”. Griner isn’t transgender, he has a genetic abnormality.
    Yet, once again the lefist narrative is all that matters to the left.

    Maybe he fathered that baby even though his “equipment” might be under developed. Stranger things…


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