Reports Of Sayoc’s Arrests, Obsessions with Gory Violence, Politics – IOTW Report

Reports Of Sayoc’s Arrests, Obsessions with Gory Violence, Politics

He’s all over the map. Too bad his map didn’t include a mental hospital.

[…] Sayoc at times posted many graphic images of gory violence — some from jihadist propaganda. Yet he was strongly opposed to Islamic terrorism. At the same time, he was a 9/11 conspiracy theorist who appeared to ascribe blame to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and “Zionist forces” for the “inside job.”

Further, Sayoc appeared to believe in the conspiracy theory of “chemtrails” polluting people’s brains. He posted several memes lamenting America’s historical mistreatment of Native peoples, calling it a greater “genocide” than the Holocaust. He was a diehard supporter of Donald Trump as far back as the Republican presidential primary of 2016, and he accused the Koch brothers of planning to attack his preferred candidate with “plants,” which he illustrated with a low-res photo of two apparently black men wearing KKK hoods.  – More at Breitbart.


Another article from Breitbart reports his arrest record, severe financial troubles, and that his lawyer describes him as “a confused man who had trouble controlling his emotions.”


13 Comments on Reports Of Sayoc’s Arrests, Obsessions with Gory Violence, Politics

  1. Yeah…the guy claimed to be of the Native American Seminole (that’s FLORIDA, folks) Indian tribe…and expressed support for ISIS (!).

    Sounds more like your average DEMOCRAT to me….

  2. The nutball wanted to be in any and every group that garners attention whether positive or negative. Look how he switched political parties according to who was more ‘popular’ at the moment. He’s a ‘feels’ junkie like the hollywood elites are.

    AND, how did he get the money for those stickers if he’s living in mom’s basement, and mom has bankruptcy problems, too?

    Sounds like Florida law enforcement should have taken care of the problem by sending him to a mental hospital when they had the chance.

  3. MJA, I posted this two days ago…

    “MJA, I hope it’s not some Jason Kessler type schmuck who’s a political chameleon opportunist, and the media will black out every leftist thing he’s ever said, written or done.”

    Looks like all I missed was the mental illness factor.

  4. When you type in Jason Kessler on bing, wikipedia on the sidebar *eye roll* says he is far right, klan, etc.
    But the search patterns also brings up democrat. LOL.

    BTW, why is wikipedia regarded as the be all end all in a search? It’s not professionally investigated and anyone with a password can change what’s written. LAME!
    It shouldn’t be given such a prominent place on any browser.

  5. There are many like him on the street.
    I see them all the time.There are no more
    state mental hospitals it seems.Your county
    is their mental hospital… Remember Billy Ferry ?

  6. And he allegedly is living in his Trump-mobile van after his parents kicked him out at 56. Uh, how would he be able to pay for the materials for these bombs that he now says were hoaxes, not meant to hurt anyone? And where did he put them together? In his van? Occam’s Razor in consideration, there are just so many holes in this story.

  7. Popular theory is that people like this are fundamentally unhappy with themselves, low self-esteem etc, so they lash out at others because of the pain they feel at hating themselves so much.

    I disagree.

    Makes more sense that they are profoundly proud of themselves, arrogant, conceited and self-centered to the point when the world does not fall in line with their overinflated self-image, the world must be punished.

    Yes, they can be various kinds of crazy at the same time…but the world refusing to conform to your internal reality can drive someone crazy if he or she already leans a bubble off-center.

    Blaming the world for your failures comes as a natural result of this mindset: nothing is your fault because you’re perfect. Since the world won’t acknowledge your perfection, your failures are all the world’s fault. So you are morally entitled to make the world pay for what (in your darkened mind) it did to you.

    Now…which political viewpoint in modern America encourages indulging oneself in emotionalism, regardless of what fruit that self-indulgence bears? You get one shot at answering that.

  8. I don’t beleive a word of it. He’s a plant. He followed Barack Obama and Rachel Maddow on Twitter. I think he was offered a sweet deal to make some of his criminal activity go away if he would play this role. Too many things are too obviiously fake. At least the deep state didn’t kill anyone this time. Yet.

  9. Local progressive radio host I heard on the way home – I have a long drive and he’s on opposite Hannity who is repetitive and annoying – said “Well of course he had liberals on his Twitter feed; everyone hate-follows people on Twitter.”

    Yeah. Right.


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