Says the old socialist with three homes – IOTW Report

Says the old socialist with three homes

Patriot Retort:

It may be because my Lupus is wreaking havoc with me today, but I have zero patience for bullcrap. And hearing that septuagenarian socialist Bernie Sanders accuse Donald Trump of being a fraud sent me into the red zone.

But that’s exactly what Bernie did on CNN’s State of the Union this morning.

Bernie Sanders calling some else a fraud.

Stop and marvel at the irony of that.

If anyone would know about being a fraud, it would be the crotchety anti-wealth socialist with three expensive homes.

Donald Trump campaigned on one thing and is doing something different now that he’s Presid–



Come to think of it, President Trump is doing everything candidate Trump said he would do. And it’s only two weeks into his first term.

So why does Bernie think he’s a fraud?

Well, because Trump has appointed rich people to his cabinet.

Oh, the horror!! Rich people should be taken out back and shot! They shouldn’t be allowed in government!!

Which will come as a profound shock to filthy rich Nancy Pelosi.

But that’s what Bernie “Three Homes” Sanders seems to think.

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9 Comments on Says the old socialist with three homes

  1. Bernie was living in his car 25-years ago, and now he’s worth north of $600K, not including his Hillary Bribe House®. And his only job has been as a Congressional politician.

    Bernie Sanders starring as the, “D.C. Swamp Thing!” (In 4D)

  2. I don’t like how many politicians on six figure salaries often become multi-millionaires after entering office.
    But to have a six figure salary, and so does the wife, for many years, and his wealth is south of a million dollars? That wreaks of incompetence.

  3. “Which will come as a profound shock to filthy rich Nancy Pelosi.”

    That is exactly the wonder of liberal hypocripocy. The richest, most elite politicians, educators, entertainers and whatever the hell Michael Moore is, are the ones preaching ‘equal income’.

    I just don’t understand the disconnect of lib-bots, who cannot step back and ask, ‘Let’s start with your salary and perks!’ Share. Lots of homeless could enjoy living with Pelosi, Sanders, Leo di C, George C, Joy B, Barbara S, & etc. Come on, rich liberals and Paul Ryan, tear down those fences and gated communities and LET YOUR PEOPLE SHARE YOUR WEALTH. Then receive your wish for equalization.

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