Scalise and Family still get death threats – IOTW Report

Scalise and Family still get death threats


A man hailing from Erie County, New York was arrested after allegedly leaving House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) a voicemail insinuating harm against his children in retaliation for President Donald Trump’s border enforcement policies.

Carlos Bayon, a 63-year-old man residing in Grand Island, stands accused of issuing an interstate threat.

“Hey listen, this message is for you and the people that sent you there. You are taking ours, we are taking yours. Anytime, anywhere,” Bayon allegedly threatened Rep. Scalise on June 30. He allegedly continued:

We know where they are. We are not going to feed them sandwiches, we are going to feed them lead. Make no mistake you will pay. Ojo por ojo, diente por diente. That is our law and we are the majority. Have a good day.

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4 Comments on Scalise and Family still get death threats

  1. But Jim Acosta gets yelled at and made fun of!
    How dare you extremist right wingers compare the two as if Scalise’s family is enduring worse!


    Addition here…. I posted this along with the link to the article on Acosta’s facebook page:

    Pretty scary you get made fun of.
    The extreme right wingers think this is as bad as you have it and maybe worse:

    How dare they!

    (Sarc for all of you with no sense of humor)

  2. Said it before. Time for America lovers to fight back. Fight means- break bones, draw blood, make black + blue.
    the only thing the progressives have understood for 100 years is violence. It still is all they know.


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