Scalise: ‘Something wrong’ when terrorists ‘can find America’s southern border’ but Harris can’t – IOTW Report

Scalise: ‘Something wrong’ when terrorists ‘can find America’s southern border’ but Harris can’t

Just The News:

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise said there’s “something wrong” when terror suspects can find their way to the southern border but Vice President Kamala Harris cannot.

He called on Harris to visit the border and see the “debacle” the Biden administration’s policies have created.

Scalise was referring to FBI Director Christopher Wray confirming that two Yemeni individuals on the terror watch list were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border.  more here

10 Comments on Scalise: ‘Something wrong’ when terrorists ‘can find America’s southern border’ but Harris can’t

  1. Lets get 1 thing straight, other than the train of Dicks she pulled.

    Kalama Lama Dong Dingler HATES Biden’s Bony White Ass.

    She will do Nothing to help JOE or Jill.

    Her Mother was a Doctor from India, and her Dad is an Educated Blank man form Jamaica I believe. She Hates the Racist Biden type. She is there, on the Ticket, because of some back room deal that we will never actually know. Most likely just APPEARANCES on the ticket.

    She knows that IF she gets the call, she does not want to wear the Boarder on her sleeve.

    Other than being a Cackling Idiot, she has no policy, acts, or association with the illegal importation of Democrat Voters which is exactly as she likes it.

  2. She’s too busy arranging your next shooting to worry about any “border”, Scalise, since you guys let THAT attempted political mass murder go with both hands there’s absolutely NO reason they shouldn’t try again…and again…and again until you’re all dead, then use it to arrange even MORE security for themselves as they strip Americans of their self-defense rights, all because YOU guys wouldn’t stand up to even investigate your OWN attempted murders, let alone DO anything about them…

  3. Both of the Jamindian’s parents were Socialists/Communists. Kalamity is just fulfilling their ambitions. Our country has reached Peak Stupidity with the Installation of a slack jawed idiot and a cackling imbecile, and the people running this disaster couldn’t be happier with the wreckage they’ve wrought.


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