Scammed – IOTW Report


American Thinker: Scammed by a Black, a Woman, and Now a 17-Year-Old.

The I.D. (Investigation Discovery) channel re-enacts real-life crime stories.  I watched two stories in which single female homeowners heard men breaking into their homes.  In both incidents, the best the unarmed women could do was grab their phones, hide in their closets like scared rabbits, and dial 911.  My heart went out to the terrified, defenseless women.  If they had had guns, the playing field would have been much more level.

Tragically, both women were found by their home invaders.  While she screamed, cried, and begged for her life, the burglar pressed his pistol against one woman’s head and pulled the trigger, killing her instantly.  In the second home invasion, the burglar shot the woman over ten times.  She survived and praises God for her miraculous survival.

In both cases, these women would have had a fighting chance had they been armed.  I asked myself, why on Earth does the American left so passionately want such women disarmed, defenseless, and at the mercy of evil criminals.  With leftists claiming to be extreme advocates for women, desiring to disarm women does not make logical sense.  And yet disarming every law-abiding citizen in America is exactly what leftists are trying to do, campaigning to demonize the NRA and gun-owners.

My fellow Americans, leftists view you only as pawns.    more here

8 Comments on Scammed

  1. If you want to see what I look like in real life, I was interviewed for an ID show, Blood Relatives (episode 7, Sex, Lies, and Videotape). At the time of the case I was our department’s Public Information Officer (PIO) but the show mistakenly labels me as an investigator on the case. They got a lot of other facts wrong, too, but “artistic license” and all that, right? Makes me wonder how many of their other shows are factually flawed.

  2. Even this story, as illuminating as it is, is still characterizing Hogg as a victim. I do not believe he was shot. Nor do I believe he was shot at. I do believe he was part of the creation of the troubled young man who did the shooting. Ergo his lashing out is an attempt to escape his own guilt or to bury his knowledge of what he may have been responsible for causing/ enabling.

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