$candals In the NIH – IOTW Report

$candals In the NIH


Two stories about the National Institutes of Health hit the news today. The first arose from testimony by acting NIH director Lawrence Tabak before a House Appropriations subcommittee. Tabak admitted that NIH hid genetic information about the covid-19 virus that could have shed light on its origin, at the behest of the Chinese Communists:

National Institutes of Health acting director Lawrence Tabak confirmed to lawmakers Wednesday that US health officials concealed early genomic sequences of COVID-19 at the request of Chinese scientists — but insisted the data remains on file.

Tabak told a House Appropriations subcommittee that the NIH “eliminated from public view” the data from the pandemic epicenter in Wuhan, China, before adding that researchers can still access it via an archaic “tape drive.”

I do not understand why a federal agency would be more loyal to the Chinese government than to the American people. But that is what we have come to in today’s administrative state. more here

Fauci Was Paid for Undermining Trump

8 Comments on $candals In the NIH

  1. “I do not understand why a federal agency would be more loyal to the Chinese government than to the American people.”

    The Department of Bio-Weapons (NIH) and the CCP worked together with a common goal. Try to keep up. Sheesh.

  2. still waiting on an explanation from the cdc, the nih and the government why the good old usa was funding “gain of function” ie: Make it deadlier research in china with the covid virus. I believe it was engineered specifically to do what it has been doing with full knowledge of the effects by the chinese and the feds.

  3. “abak admitted that NIH hid genetic information about the covid-19 virus that could have shed light on its origin, at the behest of the Chinese Communists”

    This is actually old news. This has been known for at least a year. Now to be fair, the site does give the original poster of a data set the right to remove that data set at any time for any reason, but given the importance of this particular data set — especially as it pertains to when and where the outbreak first occurred — you might think they’d not be so quick to comply.

    Thing is, even if the original data set still does exist on a back-up (which I think is highly unlikely), there’s next to no chance to verify it. The Chinese would definitely claim it’s not the original set and reject any claims made based on it, and there’s no way we could prove that it was. It has been tainted beyond recall.

    The really curious thing about this data set is that it supposedly appeared weeks or even months before the official declaration of the breakout. This means the ChiComs had it and had analyzed it long before it started spreading, which bolsters the lab leak theory.

  4. So what a lot of us suspected for the past 2 1/2 yrs is coming out as true.
    Like the meme says, “We’ve run out of conspiracy theories because they’ve all come true”.

  5. Just sent this to the facetard factholes!!!

    “good news choads – the chinky-dink asskissers who sign your paycheck are in trouble again – maybe they’ll string you up with Mickey Mauci sooner than later – just know I’ll be front & center cheering the hangman!!!”

  6. Developed at Wuhan Institute of Virology, as directed and funded by Fauci.
    How much more damage was caused by a year of face diapers?
    How many $Billions in ads promoting the JAB?
    How many have permanent disabilities from the JAB?
    When will it be reported by MSM? Never.


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