Scandals involving Democrats in two races could damage party’s chances of taking the Senate – IOTW Report

Scandals involving Democrats in two races could damage party’s chances of taking the Senate

Just The News: Two Democratic Senate candidates, Chris Janicek in Nebraska and former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, are engulfed in controversy.

Scandals weakening two Democratic Senate candidates have dimmed the party’s hopes of regaining control of the Senate in the November elections.

Chris Janicek, the Democratic nominee running against Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse, is involved in a text message scandal that has resulted in calls from state Democrats for him to withdraw from the race.

“Do you think the campaign should spend some money on getting her laid?” Janicek reportedly wrote in a group text, which referred to one of his campaign staffers. “It will probably take three guys.”

A story from the New York Times quotes part of the woman’s response to Janicek’s comments. To date, she has chosen to remain anonymous.

“As a woman who stands up and beside other women, I can’t just pretend this didn’t happen,” she said. “I cannot support your campaign after what you said. I have integrity, morals and values but, most of all I have self respect for myself and fellow women.”

The Nebraska Democratic Party announced that it has withdrawn its support for Janicek’s campaign. more here

12 Comments on Scandals involving Democrats in two races could damage party’s chances of taking the Senate

  1. Democrats will end up voting for the Democrat over the Republican no matter how many “scandals” the Democrat has been involved in, and those independents that are just unregistered Democrats will do the same, leaving only a small number of actual “swing voters” to persuade.

    Will there be enough of the swingers to determine the elections or not?

    I’m doubting there will be, at least as it is now, but things are changing pretty quickly and it may be a very different situation in November. Time will tell.

  2. n-word & Cisco Kid
    The idea that Republicans = Good and Democrats = Bad, isn’t how we got here. There has been Republicans that are complicit in getting to this point in time. Trump is the only one rooting them all out. Case in point would be Paul Ryan, what exactly would make a rising star just walk away. Could it be he doubled his net worth in 2010 with the passage of Obamacare?
    Also Trump is the only one to operate like a business. Buying 75M barrels of oil when the market was down.
    What do you think happens to Germany when 25,000 troops and their spending are removed?
    25,000 troop * $2000 mo. * 12 = $600,000,000.
    That is a low estimate, it could easily be twice that $1.2B.
    Rebuilding the Military, with US based businesses.
    It is a long list of bringing jobs and manufacturing back to the US. That was sold to foreign counties by Democrats to line their own pockets.
    I think it is a great business move.

  3. Cory Gardner is not proving to be the push over that many Dementiacrats were hoping he would be, and Hickenlooper has been stumbling and fumbling for several months. Colorado has been flooded with anti-Gardner television ads for more than a year. This one probably depends more on Trump supporters getting out their voters than most states, and all the rioting, looting and statue toppling might make the difference.

  4. @ThirdTwin – I would add a second item to your list – approving judges, despite the recent decisions I disagree with in the Supreme.

    I am hoping that ex-gov Hick has screwed up enough that Romanoff beats him in the primaries. I think Gardner has a better chance against Andrew than he does against John H. Though right now, I think Cory can beat either of them. It might come down to how bad the current Gov. Polis and the far-left state congress / senate can drag the economy and blame it on Repubs.


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