Scandinavian Airlines pulls anti-white, unpatriotic ad amid massive boycott backlash – IOTW Report

Scandinavian Airlines pulls anti-white, unpatriotic ad amid massive boycott backlash


Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) has temporarily pulled an online ad claiming that “there’s no such thing as Scandinavian culture” amid accusations that it’s racist, anti-white, and self-flagellating to the point of idiocy.

The bizarre video entitled “What is truly Scandinavian?” shows a montage of white Swedes, Norwegians, and Danes blankly reciting: “What is Scandinavian for real? Absolutely nothing. Everything is copied.”

The ad claims that the things people consider “Scandinavian” — like Swedish meatballs, open-face sandwiches and generous parental leave — were imported from other cultures and are not “truly” Scandinavian.

“We take everything we like on our trips abroad, adjust it a little bit, and it’s a unique ‘Scandinavian’ thing,” the ad claims. more

12 Comments on Scandinavian Airlines pulls anti-white, unpatriotic ad amid massive boycott backlash

  1. The nuts are in charge in scandinavia.

    Decent people can’t walk the street and can’t own guns.

    Diversity and inclusion are nothing more than a ploy to exterminate the white man.

    And anyone too cowardly to say it can just accept their fate.

  2. What a disgusting ad. The last paragraph of the article says it all:

    Contrast SAS’ self-abasing, anti-white rhetoric with the militant advocacy of leftists, who would riot if anyone claimed that “There’s no such thing as black culture” or “There’s no such thing as Muslim culture.”

  3. Thirdtwin,

    The Swiss are neutral because no one dares challenge them.
    Sweden is neutral because they are “holier than thou” and it is cheaper to let someone else protect them.

  4. Herrings in cream sauce. NOT Mohammedan.

    As a Squarehead I can honestly say SAS’s ad is the dumbest marketing I’ve ever seen. Unless they wanted to piss off their core customer base and drive the company banko. In that case, perfect!

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