Scaramucci: ‘If the Leaks Don’t Stop, I’m Going to Pare Down the Staff’ – IOTW Report

Scaramucci: ‘If the Leaks Don’t Stop, I’m Going to Pare Down the Staff’

( – Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director, made the rounds of the Sunday talk shows, telling “Fox News Sunday” one of the first things he wants to do is “get the leaks stopped.”

“We’ve got to get the leaks stopped, Chris,” Scaramucci told host Chris Wallace. “I know that it’s Washington, so it’s going to be impossible to stop all of them, but I think what’s going on right now is a high level of unprofessionalism and it’s not serving the president.”

Scaramucci said, if the leaks don’t stop – “I am a businessperson, and so I will take dramatic action to stop those leaks.”

“What kind of drastic action?” Wallace asked Scaramucci.

I’m being very, very clear with people. As far as I’m concerned, that staff has amnesty. We’ll see how they do with me at the helm. If the leaks don’t stop, I’m going to pare down the staff because it’s just not right, Chris. I think it’s not fair to the president. It’s actually not fair to America or the people in the government.

I’m not going to be able to stop the leaks in the intergovernmental agencies and all that other stuff, that’s a whole different ball of wax. But something is going on inside the White House that the president does not like and we’re going to fix it.

Wallace noted that the leaks aren’t coming just from the communications team, but Scaramucci said that’s where his focus is:  more here

16 Comments on Scaramucci: ‘If the Leaks Don’t Stop, I’m Going to Pare Down the Staff’

  1. It’s not fair to the taxpayers. How much do these people make to keep their mouths shut? More than I make and I’m the one that funds these bitches. I mean, Jezzlus Cripes, get paid to NOT do something and get paid to do it anyways? Fuck…… that’s a liberal’s dream job.

  2. “Scaramucci: I’m Going to Defend President ‘Very, Very Aggressively'”

    Translated, I’m here to kick ass a chew bubble gum. And I’m all out of bubble gum. Talk to me in 8 weeks.

  3. He sure didn’t let any time elapse in responding to chuck todd (alias Choad) when todd tweeted out a tsk tsk about Trump “politicizing the Boy Scouts.” Scaramucci struck back, advising todd it was bad berries when todd, himself, was on record for politicizing the Boy Scouts in a recent show with Rick Perry (an Eagle Scout).

  4. 💥 Does anyone know how to set a trap for a MOLE? 💥

    You give out FALSE information in an increasingly tighter circle, until you narrow it down to a group, and then an individual who is about the only one who could possibly know the information.

    💥 Didn’t anyone in the Trump Admin. ever play the game “CLUE?”

  5. Within the next 6-12 months Trump will have a bunch of fighters on board. It’s time to clear the deck of those that are just looking to go along to get along.

  6. This admin needs to take this stance on leaks and voter fraud….. We are going to find you and it will not be pretty. Maximum penalty!!!!!!! BUT, if you turn yourself in now………

  7. If the leaks cannot be stopped out of the White House staff, the entire lot should be replaced. Inside people know who is pulling off these leaks. People know who did or did not have access to information and who would be the likely leaker. At one or two, it’s harder to figure out. With the constant stream of leaks, there’s no way it’s not known by most of the staff. And since no one is helping to stop it, they should all be fired.

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