Scarborough quits the Republican Party – IOTW Report

Scarborough quits the Republican Party



MSNBC host and former GOP Congressman Joe Scarborough said he is leaving the Republican party Tuesday during an appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”

Scarborough, who has been blasted by The White House for his criticism of President Trump, made the announcement on the show which will air on Tuesday night.

“I am a Republican but I’m not gonna be a Republican anymore,” Scarborough said on the show.

“I’m gonna become an Independent.”  more here

34 Comments on Scarborough quits the Republican Party

  1. We’ve lost Mourning Joe! Is this a great day for the Republican Party, or a sad day for Jill Stein’s Independent/ Lunatic Party? No! It’s just one more thing to be grateful for the election of President Donald J. Trump.

  2. Hey Joe, kinda like your first marriage and divorce because you and Mika were unfaithful to your spouses while in an affair.
    You were living a lie then, just as you were living a lie when you called yourself Republican.
    Unfaithful to the end, huh Joe.
    Just another democrat liar.
    Scumbag !

  3. Ya know, there was a day when Scarborough played the part of a conservative very well. Just like Alyson Camerata and Gretchen Carlson and Meghan Kelly did when they play acted their roles on Fox News.

  4. It’s Christmas in July for MIKA , Look what she got for Her Crying over Trumps Tweet !
    Mika’s Husband is Crossing Over (not sure about the penis) toward her Positions , and MIKA Got a Token Book Deal as Well !

  5. Hopefully Jeff Flake and Ben Sasse follow him out. Reports are Trump is mulling over making a 10 million dollar donation to the campaign of any conservative challenging Flake.

  6. AA, excuse my language, but Ben Sasse is an ass hole. Ann Coulter had a great article today about how some Republicans, obstructionist, want Trump to fail even more than the Democrats. Blocking the peoples agenda every step of the way.

  7. Have you seen Joe Scarborough’s head,
    Frankenstein’s in awe of that brow,
    An alabaster stovepipe of stupid,
    He was once GOP, but not now.

    That’s for you, MJA.

  8. When will I ever give a damn about a newsreader’s personal life? Um, never.

    Particularly when they are whores, carrying the leftist Media’s water.

  9. A typical RINO/Menshevik.
    Independent of what, exactly?

    Say it ain’t so, Joe!
    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Scarborough always played himself a Republican when he was actually an Independent. I think that’s why he was despised by so many conservatives. There’s nothing wrong with being an independent and in his case he may actually be honest. The key will be whether he acts like an Independent or is he just going to use that as cover to act liberal/progressive. In addition the show itself was supposed to be a liberal and a conservative (Mika and Joe) and now that will be missing as a dynamic. His change of heart (well, when you look at it not much of a change, mostly like an alcoholic admitting they are an alcoholic) may well end the show. I hope he’s honest.

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