Scarborough Slams Stormy Daniels’ Credibility After Salacious Trump Interview – IOTW Report

Scarborough Slams Stormy Daniels’ Credibility After Salacious Trump Interview

Daily Caller: Joe Scarborough questioned Stormy Daniels’ credibility Monday on “Morning Joe” after her “60 Minutes” interview and then criticized Anderson Cooper for not being more thorough in his follow-up questions.

Scarborough slipped into an Italian gangster accent before saying there may have been a deal in place, preventing Cooper from covering certain topics.

“I mean we shouldn’t hold [Cooper] to a lawyer’s standard but [Daniels] goes, some man threatened me and said, boy, that baby sure looks nice, it would be a shame if she loses her mother. And he doesn’t go, who was it,” Scarborough said.

“What did he look like? Did he look like this person this who works for Donald Trump?” Scarborough continued. “That’s not that hard to follow up on. You wonder if they had some deal before the interview.”

George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley agreed and said Daniels has very little credibility and any fallout from the interview will be apparent in a matter of days.  read more

11 Comments on Scarborough Slams Stormy Daniels’ Credibility After Salacious Trump Interview

  1. A tired, worn out Porn worker (star?, I don’t think so) is going for the money. New gigs, new films, big money. She’s back on top. Even if she gets sued by Trump’s attorney’s for $10 million, she still comes out ahead.

    No better than Ryan or McCONnell who are tired, worn out cheap whores.


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