‘Scathing audit’ of Massachusetts agency that held Justina Pelletier – IOTW Report

‘Scathing audit’ of Massachusetts agency that held Justina Pelletier

Conservative Review: The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families is the subject of a “scathing audit” by the commonwealth’s auditor Suzanne Bump.

The report covers the years 2014-2015 and outlines multiple instances where the agency did not properly report the abuse of children in its care. CRTV host Michelle Malkin recently detailed the case of one Justina Pelletier on Michelle Malkin Investigates.

Last week, I wrote about the maddening case of medical kidnapping involving Justina:

In February 2013, Linda and Lou Pelletier had their daughter Justina, then 14, transported in an ambulance to Boston’s Tufts Medical Center from their home in Connecticut. Upon arrival, they learned that Justina’s gastroenterologist, one of a team of doctors who was treating her mitochondrial disease, had transferred to Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH). Justina’s primary specialist at Tufts strongly urged the Pelletiers to transfer Justina to BCH to see that gastroenterologist. It was a decision that changed their lives forever.

When the Pelletiers arrived at BCH, a series of events unfolded that began a 16-month ordeal that no family should ever have to go through. Rather than seeing Justina’s gastroenterologist, the Pelletiers were confronted by a team of doctors at BCH who decided that the girl did not have mitochondrial disease, that her symptoms were a psychiatric disorder known as somatoform disorder, and that the underlying cause of her symptoms was all in her head. Pelletier, just weeks earlier, had been an active 14-year-old and was now dealing with crippling pain. But in their minds, she was not suffering from mitochondrial disease but was instead a psychiatric patient.

When Justina’s parents strongly objected to this new course of treatment and demanded that she see her gastroenterologist, BCH sprang into even more severe action. In conjunction with the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF), BCH in effect stole Justina from her parents and were made the sole arbiters of her care plan. Justina’s months of captivity had begun.

She was not released until after her 16th birthday.

During that time, DCF was the subject of almost daily news reports of neglect of the children entrusted to them. This included 5-year-old Jeremiah Oliver, who was found dead on the side of the road in Sterling, Mass. State leaders vowed they would push DCF to do better. The audit released Thursday accuses the agency of falling short of that promise.  read more

19 Comments on ‘Scathing audit’ of Massachusetts agency that held Justina Pelletier

  1. human interaction can never be solved by government intervention … no matter how many Obamaphones, free cheese, bureaucrats or taxpayer dollars you throw at it

  2. I remember this well. Covered heavily by Hannity and Rush but few others that I recall. Used to make my blood boil. Looks like she’s healthy and well now. God Bless You Justine.

  3. This is the kind of evil shit where names need to be named. Who was the bureaucrat piece of shit who started the ball rolling on this? I hope they get the motherfucking shit sued out fo them personally. This was some asshole trying to save a buck or play some fucked up game at an entire family’s expense.

  4. Who paid for her two year incarceration on medical issues?….Her parents?… Me & you probably. The insurance industry cashed every fucking check (grabbed their veg) and then gave the rest back to the powers that held her and treated her, the doctors and the government…..Tell me I’m wrong….

  5. I remember this well too. At the epicenter of this there was a decision make. Activist judge, Social worker, whom ever. That person needs to pay and that state damn well knows who it was. Hang them in the town square.

  6. There was some earlier posts about Liberty Mutual, an insurance company, and I held my tongue……The Insurance industry is NOT our friend and is more probably the weird cousin that wants to stay the night in your daughters bedroom….I kinda don’t like them…LOLOLOL…

  7. and here’s why….if the insurance industry wasn’t ass deep in this situation and making sure they got paid well, they would have quit paying and the system would have spit this child back out to her parents like a turd flavored jaw breaker….tell me I’m wrong…

  8. It takes a village to raise a child.

    The government and bureaucrats know what’s best for your child, whether it be indoctrination in the public schools, sexual identity, appropriate school nutrition, medical treatment, new math, revised history, acceptance of perverted acts, everyone is a winner and instill a false sense of self-esteem.

    State’s rights prevail over parental rights.

  9. Willysgoatgruff. I’m assuming the state of Massachusetts. As I don’t reside there, I can’t express a particular concern about that but I can express concern over her as a citizen of this country.

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