Scenes from the laptop: Hunter Biden texted Hallie that China arrested CIA informants in ‘retaliation’ for the U.S. arresting ‘my client the chief of intelligence of the people’s republic of China’ – IOTW Report

Scenes from the laptop: Hunter Biden texted Hallie that China arrested CIA informants in ‘retaliation’ for the U.S. arresting ‘my client the chief of intelligence of the people’s republic of China’

Laptop reveals Hunter’s fear after the ‘assassination’ and ‘arrest’ of his CEFC China business partners, Ye Jianming and Patrick Ho, the ‘richest man in the world’ and the ‘spy chief of China’.

1 Comment on Scenes from the laptop: Hunter Biden texted Hallie that China arrested CIA informants in ‘retaliation’ for the U.S. arresting ‘my client the chief of intelligence of the people’s republic of China’

  1. I believe that Hunter left his laptop intentionally – to be caught. I mean how could anyone be so stupid? Watching that video Brad alerted IOTW to, of Biden talking about the penalties for using cocaine, and in the split screen is Humper smoking it. Found on the lap top, and was put there intentionally. If Humper goes down so does the Big Guy. Beau was always Joes favorite and Humper knows that. This is big…WTH!

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