Schiff Admits Burisma Biden Deal “At a Minimum” Looks Bad – IOTW Report

Schiff Admits Burisma Biden Deal “At a Minimum” Looks Bad

Greg Jarrett: After months of attempting to remove President Trump, Rep. Adam Schiff admitted that Hunter Biden’s deal with Burisma had “at a minimum an appearance of a conflict.” During an interview on The Axe Files, a podcast hosted by David Axelrod, Axelrod asked Schiff if Biden should have said something to his son about taking the position.

AXELROD: “Do you think it was fair game to suggest that he should have maybe told Hunter Biden, ‘You know what, that’s not a good idea. Don’t go on that board?’” MORE

6 Comments on Schiff Admits Burisma Biden Deal “At a Minimum” Looks Bad

  1. You know, the problem, or should I say risk, with lying is that it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the lies from contradicting one another.

    “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”

  2. …at a minimum an appearance of a conflict.


    No, you feeble excuse for a sapient being, at a minimum what the Bidens (and a host of other pols) did was violate ethics, use their govt positions for self-enrichment, violate anti-money-laundering laws, violate anti-bribery laws, and use the rational, reasonable, legitimate, and legal attempts at investigating their wrong-doing to either oust or prevent the re-election of the chief executive of the United States.

    THAT’s the minimum.

  3. The recording of Joe recalling bullying a prosecutor in the U.K. to cover family acts of treason is far worse but dems get their own set of rules. Why not sell the crack head sob son that leaves his own children high and dry down the river instead of getting any of that blame.


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