Schiff Refuses to Commit to Testifying in Senate Impeachment Trial – IOTW Report

Schiff Refuses to Commit to Testifying in Senate Impeachment Trial

The chicken. Do you hear him clucking?


On Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “State of the Union,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) refused to say he would testify in an impeachment trial of President Donald Trump in the Senate.

When asked if he would be willing to testify in the Senate, Schiff said, “There is nothing to testify about. I think if the president or his allies in the Senate persist, it means they are not serious about what they are doing.”

Host Jake Tapper said, “Sorry for interrupting. They would cite David Kendall, President Clinton’s attorney, got to cross-examine Ken Starr. I understand you are not an independent council, but you did lead the investigation.” read more

Also, he ran against impeachment before he was for it.

Breitbart: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) won his first race for Congress in 2000 by targeting a Republican who led the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.

Then-Rep. James Rogan (R-CA) had been selected to be one of the two “managers” who led the prosecution of President Clinton in the Senate in 1999. Schiff, running in 2000, accused Rogan of neglecting important issues in his congressional district.

The Daily Caller News Foundation dug up coverage of the race:

“Impeachment as a political issue has all but disappeared from America’s political radar in this election, with even Al Gore refusing to make the partisan death match of 1998 and 1999 a campaign issue in the year 2000. But here, in California’s 27th District, Rogan’s battle with Democratic state Sen. Adam Schiff seems the last bloody battle of the impeachment war,” Anthony York recounted in an October 2000 Salon article.

Schiff “used impeachment as a fundraising tool,” York noted in the article …

The Washington Post reported in May 2000 that while other issues were more important to the race, Schiff had attacked Rogan for leading the impeachment effort: “Schiff’s campaign literature hammers away on Rogan’s role in the impeachment proceedings, while Rogan in his direct mail to donors pleads for an ’emergency pledge of support’ to ‘stand with me as Bill Clinton and his Hollywood liberal friends wage their destructive warfare against me.’” read more

17 Comments on Schiff Refuses to Commit to Testifying in Senate Impeachment Trial

  1. For their “Impeachment Inquiry”…
    The Semicretins might as well been explaining using hieroglyphics With Adumb
    Shiff wearing a judicial crown,
    He tried to impersonate a king for a day. Traitorous Bastard!
    He need to testify before the trap door opens,

  2. thinks he’s above the law- you can’t refuse a subpoena . so, you’ll go to jail. (after all, this whole charade is purposely constructed to keep you from going there for other reasons. Standard Hotel, bitch.)

  3. ‘Angel Eyes’ Shiff
    Poncy Poof
    I wish Moe from the Stooges was around to run a saw blade over that dome of his and slap the shit out of him while asking: “What’s the matter with you!”

  4. Wow.

    Americans are so retarded today that they say the US government only spends money on welfare.

    Americans scream Stalin invaded France in 1940 before Germany did.

    Americans claim banning baseball hats is good because you can still wear cowboy hats.

    Americans say no fly lists are fine because you can take a boat.

    Americans scream mandatory finger amputations are wonderful because you can still walk.

    Americans are so batshit insane now that they insist that the only possible way an economy can recover and a country can be stable is if a country has a dictator.

    Americans say that only the government can tell you to be moral.

    Americans insist ignoring the Bill of Rights is fine because bump stocks are just toys.

    Americans swear no one is ever arrested for depositing less than $10,000 in their own bank accounts.

    Americans say China has more than 330 million soldiers.

    Americans insist that a collapsing economy will only affect Jews.

    Americans claim America doesn’t exist.

    Americans swear that the government doesn’t force you to buy insurance.

    Americans insist anyone who loves freedom is a Jew.

    Americans say that the US debt has never declined.

    Americans insist closing stores will lower prices and help the economy.

    Americans claim tyranny is perfectly acceptable now because the US has been a police state for 20 years.

    Americans voluntarily buy products from China and then Americans turn around and say China has destroyed the US.

    Americans say libraries must be closed.

    Americans insist that the government is kind, but businesses are evil because companies have a vested interest in torturing, robbing, killing, and jailing their customers.

    Americans say Nazis don’t exist.

    Americans swear tyranny is wonderful because Gandhi supported freedom.

    Americans insist US soldiers are from Zimbabwe.

    Americans scream destroying your economy with a trade war is a positive indicator.

    Americans insist Islam caused Rome to collapse.

    Americans swear that the best response to living in a bankrupt warmongering police state is to ignore the facts, defend the government, and attack the messenger.

    Americans insist mortgages should be illegal.

    Americans say vaping must be banned because a few vaping companies don’t want to be kosher.

    Americans don’t mind if articles about the police state are censored, because Americans don’t care about tyranny or censorship.

    Americans claim Muslims don’t believe in God.

    Americans say that the US never had black people before today.

    Americans insist that the USPS is wonderful because stamps are cheap, but Americans are simply unable to understand that the USPS receives subsidies from American taxpayers.

    Americans swear that the US doesn’t have any churches.

    Americans insist that the US always had food stamps.

    Americans swear a country will die without debt.

    Americans say that the USA always had TSA groping.

    Americans scream that the government should force companies to give food to the homeless.

    Americans swear that the US does not have a Ponzi economy because you can buy products online with a smartphone.

    Americans insist the US is not at war with any country now.

    Americans swear that the US debt doesn’t need to be paid back.

    Americans scream tyranny that happened 2 weeks ago is no longer relevant.

    Americans say certain tyranny today under Socialism is better than Capitalism that leads to possible tyranny tomorrow.

    Americans scream that the elites want to crash the economy so the USA will be a free country again.

    Americans have become so batshit insane now that they would rather insult the messenger who warns of the dangers of tyranny instead of criticizing the government that is enslaving them.

    Americans swear tyranny is wonderful if you live in a society.

    Americans say anyone who loves freedom is a Commie.

    Americans swear anyone who hates tyranny is a reactionary.

    Americans insist that living in North Korea would be better then living in South Korea.

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