Schiff’s Impeachment Train to Nowhere – IOTW Report

Schiff’s Impeachment Train to Nowhere

Tom Shillue as Adam Schiff

American Thinker: Like the expensive California fast train to nowhere, Schiff’s funhouse impeachment hearings are a useless waste of time and money, and subject him to well-deserved ridicule. They are certain not to prevent President Trump’s reelection in 2020 and may well cost the Democrats their majority in the House. With a pack of losing candidates and a series of “now we got him” flops ahead of them, this is a losing desperation ploy.

Roger L. Simon notes that the market figured this out this week. 

What does it mean after the House of Representatives — on an almost one-hundred-percent pure partisan vote, save for two Democrats who wisely demurred — decides to expand an impeachment investigation on what they claim to be serious charges when… the very next day… the stock market zooms to all-time highs, breaking records substantially on all major indexes, and black unemployment goes to all-time lows?

Well, the latter spells big trouble for the Democrats a year from now and the former means the investment world thinks impeachment is a bunch of horse hockey that will never happen (the Republican Senate will never convict Trump, not even envious Mitt) and the real news was the job figures.

And it’s easy to see why both of those are true. No matter what polls tell you, it’s not just Kanye. African Americans are wising up to the fact they’ve been royally you-know-what’d by decades of Democratic Party rule. Under Trump, their paychecks are going up faster than anybody’s. Even black youth unemployment is at record lows. You think they’re not making the connection?

To the dummies of their far left base, the Democrats hope this week’s vote signals that the president will be impeached, but the vote was not to impeach, nor even to begin a formal impeachment inquiry. It was to set the procedures for any impeachment hearing in the house. And what a lulu it is.

h/t forcibly deranged

10 Comments on Schiff’s Impeachment Train to Nowhere

  1. …there are four reasons why the Democrats HAVE to continue all the way to impeachment.

    1) from the article:
    “Impeachment will fizzle ignominiously while the former administration is arraigned on serious charges from the Russian scandal…”

    They HAD to do this NOW. They KNOW it’s going to become impossible to prop up Obama’s Potemkin villiage of total Democrat probity much longer, so by doing this NOW, they can Alinsky any REAL charges against THEM as “retaliatory”. It’s pretty much what they’ve done all along, but now with desperation.

    2) Schiff has a tiger by the tail.

    He can’t BEAT it that way, but as long as he hangs on with this phony “impeachment investigation” crap, the tiger can’t turn to HIM. As soon as he lets GO, however, he’s a big kitty chew toy, and hw KNOWS it.

    3) It’s ALL they’ve GOT.

    President Trump is THE MOST scrutinized person in the history of the WORLD. Democrats. Foreign governments. MORE Democrats, civul lawyers, MORE Democrats, talk shows, still MORE Democrats, every “tee hee” URL on the Internet, even MORE Democrats, and every Democrat basement dweller with an Internet connection and his Mom seving him pizza rolls and energy drinks so he can stay up all NIGHT trying to find a gold nugget of genuine dirt in the well- chewed offal oc anti-Trump conspiracy theories (instead of getting a JOB, which the President they hate as made more available than EVER before), and the ENTIRE House of Representatives has used its powers on a fascist scale…and ALL have come up DRY. Even with an illegal Special Counsel imprisoning people for no reason other than they worked with Trump for 5 minutes…NADA. With ALL the Obama-corrupted spy agencies illegally trying to plant ANYTHING even before he sat for the first time in the Oval Office with the aid and cover of even MORE corrupt Obama Federal judges…ZIPPO.

    If there was ANYTHING to “get” him on, even a convicing LIE, we’d have heard it by NOW. The Devil is not creative, and his bag of tricks is about empty. They’ve got not even a FAINT hope other than THIS, so onward to the cliff…

    4) No viable Presidential candidate.

    ALL of the clowns are OBVIOUSLY worthless, deliberately so, because they were trying to set up a “Messiah” paradigm whereby an unvetted, undebated Michelle Obama would be “drafted” at the Convetion as the Second Coming of Saint Barry, positioned as a moderate by both comparison with the OTHER clowns and the fact that “she” was able to avoid answering ANY questions by avoiding debates, and primed with answers of “racism!” and “Sexism!” to shut down any questions from the press and in any debate in the General. Happily, the Butcher of Benghazi seems determined to screw this UP with more demented my-turnism, so hopefully the Dems will have to have ONE or the other, eh, “suicided” to clear the way, and they’re REALLY running out of cover-up money at this point, AND it would likey split their base, so run, Hilldog, run…

    …did I say “four”? There’s a FIFTH one that would be in effect even with mo OTHER.


    That’s all the reason they REALLY need…

  2. ” … I think they want Trump out because he has plans for sound money …”

    If he does he certainly doesn’t show it, with total national debt and greatly increased borrowing to fund bigger government and government programs absolutely exploding.

    And, yes, he has both the right and the power to just say “no” to this but refuses to do it.

  3. “…the vote was not to impeach, nor even to begin a formal impeachment inquiry. It was to set the procedures* for any impeachment hearing in the house.” – MJA

    EXACTLY. And this is the core point I wonder why so few on the Right are ignoring: the vote was to empower a Kangaroo Court (Schiff).

    Focusing on the Impeachment aspect is WEAK TEA.
    I wish more would start comparing it to The Enabling Act of 1933,
    while not a literal comparison, it highlights the UNCONSTITUTIONAL NATURE of this action, and subliminally links the Democrats with their totalitarian role models.

    * …and what comical procedures they are! SCHIFF gets to decide on the witnesses – if any – Republicans may call…among many others.

  4. TO mickey m
    Yes, but they’re *still* voting, unfortunately.

    TO SNS
    It may be all they have, but the tidal wave of Reports is coming. That should wash away any “momentum” Dems may have created to-date against Trump.


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