Schiffty Refuses To Disclose Why He Withheld Details Of Swalwell’s Relationship With A Chinese Spy From Intel Committee – IOTW Report

Schiffty Refuses To Disclose Why He Withheld Details Of Swalwell’s Relationship With A Chinese Spy From Intel Committee


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff did not respond to The Federalist’s questions about Intelligence Committee member and California Rep. Eric Swalwell’s position on the committee in light of recent news revealing Swalwell’s connections with a suspected Chinese spy.

When asked whether Swalwell’s position on the House Intelligence Committee would be tainted or compromised by his relationship with Christine Fang, a suspected spy for communist China, Swalwell’s office did not reply as of press time. According to a new report by Axios, Fang leveraged her position and connections in California’s Bay Area for years to gather intelligence on Democrat politicians and government officials. 

Schiff’s office also did not respond when asked if he previously knew about Swalwell’s involvement with Fang or if he was briefed about Swalwell’s relationship with Fang.

Swalwell also refused to answer The Federalist’s questions about the extent of his relationship with Fang, ignoring allegations from sources directly familiar with the counterintelligence investigation of Fang who told The Federalist that she and Swalwell may have had a sexual relationship. read more

6 Comments on Schiffty Refuses To Disclose Why He Withheld Details Of Swalwell’s Relationship With A Chinese Spy From Intel Committee

  1. The elections have already taken place so it doesn’t do much of anything to hash this sort of thing out now, and it will be totally forgotten by the next election since it has played out not instead of waiting till then when it might have some effect.

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