Schlichter: The Only Good Republican Is A Dead Republican – IOTW Report

Schlichter: The Only Good Republican Is A Dead Republican

Townhall: The death of President George H. W. Bush provided liberals and their Fredocon houseboys yet another opportunity to lament the fact that all Republicans aren’t dead. Their feigned amnesia about what libs were saying while Bush 41 was still in the arena, and their latest hack attempt to tsk tsk tsk tsk about how the Bad Orange Man isn’t like [Insert Name of Dead Republican Here] serves to justify the prophylactic cynicism that we Normals should strive to cultivate.

President Bush was an imperfect man and a frustration to hardcore conservatives like me, but he was also a WW II hero and patriot, and he was my Commander-In-Chief when I went to war for the first time. I knew he would stand behind my troops and he did, and the good things I have to say about him on the occasion of his passing are proper and sincere. Patriot, war hero and my commander: that is how I choose to remember him.

The difference is that when conservatives like us focus on his positives, we are not trying to exploit his passing to score cheap points on the present president. Liberals are. They hated Bush 41 with a cold fury. Now, most of the juice box nimrods on social media or piping up on MSNBC were maybe three years old when he was the prezzy, so maybe they don’t remember that the liberals slimed him mercilessly. From the grocery scanner lie to the Willie Horton racism lie, to the wimp lie, it was all lies, all the time. In fact, even today, some libs are off-message and celebrating on Twitter.

Shhhh. You’re supposed to be pretending to revere him!

They did it with John McCain too, through his funeral and its endless sequels. “If only the Republican Party were dominated by a Republican like [Insert Name of Dead Republican Here] instead of that awful, awful Trump!” they sobbed as they shed their crock-adile tears, because it was a crock. There’s never going to be a Republican with a pulse who is not Der Führer reborn. Not McCain. Not Mitt. Not Bush 1.0 or 2.0. And Jeb!, had he become 3.0, would have been Hitler too.

Tell me that’s not so. Come on. Try.

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