Schlichter: The Rule of Law Is a Sick Joke – IOTW Report

Schlichter: The Rule of Law Is a Sick Joke

Kurt Schlichter/Town Hall:

It’s adorable when people talk about the rule of law. OK, let’s assume that Donald Trump broke the law under some bizarrely convoluted interpretation of the hateful and unconstitutional (in a world where our Constitution was properly understood) thicket of campaign finance statutes that somehow makes the guy who is being extorted a criminal for paying off the aging bimbos shaking him down. Why should we care? Because we don’t care. MSNBC can howl “impeachment” 300 times an hour and we still won’t care. Even if this was an actual crime and Donald Trump was guilty of it, we don’t care. Did he illegally pay off weather-beaten pole-clinger Stormy and also the one from Playboy who was actually hot? Don’t care.

The climate scam is derailed, ISIS is dead, and then we got Gorsuch, Grennell, and a great economy. Those things we care about. Trump 2020, jerks.

“Buh buh but, the rule of law!” howl the feckless Fredocon swabbies on the decks of the sinking S.S. Conservative, Inc. We’ve really disappointed them this time. Heck, we haven’t seen Mitt Romney so upset since Candy Crowley stuffed him into a vinyl gimp suit and led him around the debate stage on a leash.

And their liberal masters are on a “rule of law” kick too. “Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator so the president can’t nominate Kavanaugh for some reason,” yip an endless line of Democrat Connecticut valor stealers, fake Indian illegal alien excusers, and mental defectives with ridiculous names like “Mazie.”

Except the “rule of law” is a lie and a scam and we Normals are woke to the grift and we’re not falling for it. Not anymore.

Sure, the rule of law is terrific in concept, and it would sure be nice to give it another whirl here in America, but we aren’t blind or stupid. We see what the “law” is and how it’s applied – there’s one law for the elite (that’s the one that never gets applied) and one for us Normals that’s designed to keep us in line with our mouths shut.

Today, the “law” is a weapon wielded by the establishment to cement its grip on its power and position. That’s why Democrats are so eager to repeal Citizens United and pass all sorts of new laws restricting election campaigning. They know they will be able to violate those laws with impunity while using them to jam up their conservative opponents.

Justice? That’s a laugh. And all the fake posturing and posing, both by the Democrats and by the conservaquisling crew, is not going to change our minds and make us unsee what is right before our eyes.

Sure, the law applies to everyone as written. The establishment, which is not even clever enough to hold onto power in an election against a reality TV show host, is at least clever enough to not speak aloud disclaimers like “Except we elite folks can do this.” No, its application is where this comes into play. The rule of law is not just words on the page; it is how those words are applied, and if they are not applied equally to everyone then there is no rule of law. And because there is no equal application of the law today, there is no rule of law in the United States today.  more

7 Comments on Schlichter: The Rule of Law Is a Sick Joke

  1. great essay by Schlichter … he nailed it …
    “Where there are two sets of laws, there are no laws. There’s just power being applied to try to keep [us] in line….. Our refusal to recognize the law as legitimate anymore is the real danger for the establishment. Because where there are no rules, there is only power. And at the end of the day, the militant, Second Amendment-loving mass of Normal Americans has a lot more real power than them.”


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