School cancels Father-Daughter Dance — not ‘inclusive’ enough – IOTW Report

School cancels Father-Daughter Dance — not ‘inclusive’ enough

EAG: COLUMBIA, S.C. – A South Carolina elementary school recently canceled an upcoming Father-Daughter Dance because some parents complained it was not “inclusive” enough.

this is why we can't have nice things

The principal of Brockman Elementary in Forest Acres decided after consulting with the local Parent Teacher Organization to cancel the upcoming Father-Daughter Dance after some parents apparently felt it left some students out, presumably those without fathers, WIS reports.

A flyer for the dance – which has raised $2,000 for the PTO in the last five years – clearly states all are welcome to attend, but “there were a few parents that did not think the father-daughter dance was inclusive, when actually, it was at all times,” Richland One School District spokeswoman Karen York told the news site.  more

11 Comments on School cancels Father-Daughter Dance — not ‘inclusive’ enough

  1. This Politically Correct Crap is corrosive and destructive to a civilized society. What needs to be recognized and shouted from the roof-tops is that the Left knows it and is deliberately pushing it to weaken, divide and destroy America any way possible!

  2. They all have fathers. Or at least a “male” that sired them. It’s no one else’s fault if the males don’t step up and be “fathers” and men, and choose to simply be like rodents that reproduce.

  3. It is long past the time to take Nancy Reagan’s advice and “just say no!” Instead of punishing the vast majority of girls put some effort in finding appropriate male escorts for these young ladies like the local Marine Corps, Army or National Guard or local Police & Fire companies. Representatives from these units would provide a real positive role model for these young ladies.

  4. Maybe (just maybe) if some of those ‘fatherless’ girls felt left out, they would demand marriage and commitment before they ever end up pregnant. So their daughters never have to feel ‘left-out’.

  5. My father died when I was quite young and over the years I went to plenty of functions that were “Father and Son”. My fathers for these functions were our neighbours that would call Mom to see if they could help out. As the neighbourhood knew Dad had passed away there was never any problem with attending. I never felt excluded but then I guess that’s because I grew up in a time where a Democrat was Jack Kennedy not a Hillary Clinton, a Liberal was Lester Pearson not Justin Trudeau and progressives weren’t invented yet. What a bunch of dicks.

  6. Atomize society.

    Make each man, woman, and child feel alone and adrift in an indifferent world – reinforce the idea that only the state cares for, or about them.

    No social intercourse except that approved by the state.

    Politics based on a “Cult of Personality.”

    Seem familiar?
    Maybe to those who have studied History?

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Guiding your culture by the tyranny of the minority of whiners ( and increasingly the mentally ill & perverts ) is not freedom.

    Land of the free, and home of the brave – is a set. Two sides of a coin. Without bravery freedom is taken from you.

  8. its like giving all the kids a trophy for running a race-its okay if you did not win–you are special to us. so why bother to run fast and win– you will still get a trophy. stupid people.

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