School defies threats from ‘civil rights activists,’ brings back popular Bible class – IOTW Report

School defies threats from ‘civil rights activists,’ brings back popular Bible class

“We believe that we were doing nothing wrong.”


FREMONT, Mich. – Bible study is back at Fremont Public Schools.

The rural Newaygo County school district has twice canceled the popular Bible study class for elementary students in recent years following complaints from “civil rights” activists, but superintendent Ken Haggart recently announced that the program will be back for the 2017-18 school year, Mlive reports.

“Michigan law specifically authorizes public schools to release students for up to 2 hours per week for religious instruction at an off premises location which is exactly what happened in Fremont,” says attorney Timothy Denney told WZZM.

Students at Daily Brook Elementary School were left hanging in 2015 when the Michigan Association of Civil Rights Activists forced the district to end the Bible classes because they allegedly violated the law because they were held in the school’s gymnasium, Haggart told the news site.

School officials resolved the issue and reinstituted the program this year with monthly sessions at Fremont Wesleyan Church during students’ lunch break. Students who returned parental permission slips were transported to the church by a pastor in a private bus, according to the news site.

But another MACRA complaint this year convinced Haggart to end the program again.  MORE

10 Comments on School defies threats from ‘civil rights activists,’ brings back popular Bible class

  1. You can’t mention anything about God or the Bible in our schools but it’s ok to talk about Fisting to 3rd Graders. This is the Argument I would make to the Supreme Court followed by the Southern death knell “Bless Your Hearts!”.

  2. Wait – what law?

    “forced the district to end the Bible classes because they allegedly violated the law because they were held in the school’s gymnasium”

    “the law”?

    Certainly not the “separation of Church and State” comment made by Thomas Jefferson in a letter. The only thing about religion in the constitution:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
    —1st Amendment of the Constitution—

  3. How come these so called “civil rights” activists never sue over prayer rooms for koranimals or making Christan students memorize the five pillars of pisslam in public schools?

  4. “You want koran classes in your schools? Because this is how you get koran classes in your schools.”

    There already are. And segregated field trips to the local mosque, with girls heads covered. Also reciting of the shahada. But this is ok with “civil rights activists.”

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