School Lead Contamination Remains a Concern in California – IOTW Report

School Lead Contamination Remains a Concern in California



CPR: After reports of problems with lead contamination of water at schools around California, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill in October of 2017 meant to address the problem.

The measure by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, D-San Diego, mandates that every school test one to five water outlets for the presence of lead. If any of the tests shows over 15 parts of lead per billion, the parents or guardians of students must be notified. Young people exposed to lead can suffer permanent problems – sometimes extreme – with cognitive development and behavior.

Given the attention paid to the national scandal over dangerous water in Flint, Michigan, the state law came as a relief to concerned parents, school officials and health agencies. But a comprehensive new analysis by the EdSource website suggests this relief may be premature.

The key issue is whether the 15 parts per billion standard, which is recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is strict enough to protect students’ health. The American Academy of Pediatrics considers that standard to be so weak that it puts young people at risk. The academy calls for a maximum of 1 parts per billion.  more here

8 Comments on School Lead Contamination Remains a Concern in California

  1. And yet, these people still have money for: signs, transportation, hotel, meals, to fly around and then march around.

    Try actually HELPING women and others you militate for. Isn’t that a better investment?

  2. Oh my. Somebody needs to test the drinking fountains congress uses.

    Ditto for Baltimore, Chicago, L.A., San Francisco, Denver, N.Y., & etc.

    Maybe the bottled water antifa and the feminazis use is contaminated.

    MSM has a whole different source of degenerative disease.

  3. Blame it on bottled water. Drinking fountains are not being used as frequently these days because of the popularity of bottled water. This results in water remaining in contact with lead sources for prolonged periods and contaminated water not being flushed out of the system.


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