School Tells 10-Year-Old Girl to Ask Dad About WHAT?! – IOTW Report

School Tells 10-Year-Old Girl to Ask Dad About WHAT?!

A state legislator in Australia has alleged that young girls are being told to ask their fathers about “erections and ejaculation” as homework.

Bernie Finn, a member of the upper house of the Victorian state parliament in Australia, read out a letter from a constituent of his earlier this week, which left him “absolutely shocked.”

“I thought I’d seen everything, but this one is just beyond words,” Finn said, reading out the letter from the mother of a 10-year-old girl, whose daughter had been given a worksheet to take home which allegedly contained vile instructions. more

20 Comments on School Tells 10-Year-Old Girl to Ask Dad About WHAT?!

  1. What is so shocking, there are schools in America with transition closets encouraging kids to live as alternative sexes when they are in school behind their parents back. There people are sick. They also now call CPS is you disagree with their curriculum.

  2. I tell ya what, if I came home and asked my father that, I’d be seeing the belt, along with other dire consequences. I’m truly sad for this world, get right with God, he’s coming back and it’s going to hurt millions. This article is worthy of many tears.

  3. Ever seen videos of hundreds of Chinese schoolkids dancing in unison to a certain song as part of their PE class? They all seem happy and earnest and competent in their task

    Id much rather see my grand nieces or nephews spend their first years in the Chinese elementary school system than in the deviant lunatic asylum we have here in the West.

    They’d probably have more respect for the US too, as Chinese would at least be realistic about us

  4. Mom’s are disgusted! Disgusted they say! That filthy, CIS normative (maybe?) MEN! (Reeeeee!) might be involved in their gubbamint gibs!?

    Well I nevah!?

  5. @geoff the aardvark April 7, 2022 at 6:55 pm

    > We’re going to need a lot of heavy millstones in order to solve this problem. And a lot of deep bodies of water as well.

    Oh, you luddite anabaptists are so droll. It’s the twenty-first century. We’ve got backhoes and bulldozers. Quite trying to make this complicated.

  6. If any decent ‘investigators’ still exist in Australia, Bernie Finn should be looked hard at for child porn, child abuse, child trafficking, child kidnap, child molestation, child rape and any other criminal felons he’s committing against children. Children are often schooled about stranger-danger yet little, if anything, is taught about those predators within their midst, such as govt officials and family members (think Joe Biden who molested his minor-age daughter Ashley). That Finn ‘announces’ his disgusting demands exposes him as a predator-pedophile plus raises questions on abuses he likely has inflicted upon his six children.

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