School’s “lockdown kit” Includes Toilet Paper And Duct Tape – IOTW Report

School’s “lockdown kit” Includes Toilet Paper And Duct Tape

Daily Caller: As school districts across the nation look at ways to ramp up security and emergency preparedness in the wake of the Parkland school shooting, one California school district used its Facebook account on Wednesday to post a picture of a “lockdown kit” with a unique set of ingredients.

“As part of our emergency preparedness measures, all classrooms will be getting ‘lockdown kits’ to aid students and staff in the event that they shelter in classrooms for extended periods of time,” the post read, ending with the hashtags #schoolsafety and #LVUSD.

The homemade toilet kit included a bucket, cat litter, duct tape, towelettes, garbage bag, toilet paper and gloves. MORE

23 Comments on School’s “lockdown kit” Includes Toilet Paper And Duct Tape

  1. Ours are red, we’ve had them for eight + years. I know because the Ray O Vac batteries have a date stamp. Toilet seat and all. Mine has six pouches of water and a small block of some kind of soy food product in addition to other very “useful” items. I don’t know what the cost was.

  2. Only in freaking California.

    Look, my state loves duct tape and we’ve even seen cars here held together with the stuff. But FFS have these asswipes ever heard of armed security????

  3. Er… maybe they’re suppose to ‘full’ the bucket and then toss it at the gunman like as a makeshift weapon or something…?
    (I’m sorry I’ll see myself out…)

  4. Geez, why not put an immediate care center right on school property? Then the school can at least claim a faster response after the students get shot. As it stands, they aren’t doing squat to prevent them from being shot in the first place.

  5. Jeopardy – real life edition

    “I can’t think of any teachers with ex-military experience. Some staff, but less than 10 of us,” he said. “I don’t think that’s the answer, for a lot of reasons.”


    What might an ignorant beta male say when asked to man up and get serious about protecting the children?

  6. What about the bucket of rocks? To throw at the “bad guy”? Frankly, I would like to think no assailant could withstand 20 or so schoolkids rushing at him with pencils and safety scissors. And teeth. And fingernails. BTW, these comments are the GREATEST!


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