Schumer Delaying Gun Control Vote – Says He Doesn’t Have The Votes – IOTW Report

Schumer Delaying Gun Control Vote – Says He Doesn’t Have The Votes

Palmieri Report: In the wake of another tragic mass shooting Democrats in Congress are calling for action on gun control. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer responded to these calls by saying a vote is not coming anytime soon – the reason is that he doesn’t have the votes to pass legislation.

17 Comments on Schumer Delaying Gun Control Vote – Says He Doesn’t Have The Votes

  1. So corrupt, senile, Pedo Fuckhead will just hand down an edict instead, and the “good guys with guns” will enforce it like its a law.

    Or, he’ll have his UN buddies declare it an International Pandemic Emergency and the WHO will decide we all need to be locked down while picked CCP troops go house to house disarming “dissenters” and “Insurrectionist”.

    For your safety.

  2. No one is interested in your anti-gun bullshit, you asshole democrats. After you’ve turned the country into a turd world wasteland, we’re all gonna need those guns in order to survive your evil psychotic base.

  3. Ever since the passage of the NFA in 1934, using the EXACT same bullshit about public safety that is used these days, the days of Shall Not Infringe are over and the communists are drawing the circle tighter.

    Every gun control law in unConstitutional. Telling me criminals with guns are the reason no one should have one is fucking ridiculous. In fact, it’s a primary reason TO HAVE A WEAPON.

    The gun control zealots back than used bank robbers(all 10 of them) and their full auto weapons as the reason no one should have them. A gullible public allowed the camel’s nose to get under the tent and here we are.

    Before the NFA anyone, criminal, law abider, gun collector…ANYONE could walk into a hardware store or gun shop and buy any caliber of any weapon available and walk out of the store with right then with no more paperwork than a receipt. Some how, we managed to survive a 150 years with that system. Amazing huh?

    I’ll note that ~97% of mass shooting take place in gun free zones and NOT ONE has happened in a Texas ISD that allows teachers & administrators to conceal carry.

  4. Yeah, Schumer’s (and other Commie phuks) false flags haven’t worked. Yet.

    But these things do give the ememedia something to talk about while pResident Joek destroys the country….

  5. They have 8 months to try and seize the guns. And the ATF, it has now been exposed, has been maintaining a searchable database of all gun purchases for the last several years, according to GOA.

  6. @jellybean May 25, 2022 at 8:09 pm

    > I honestly wish these ASSHOLES cared half as much about the well-being of American citizens

    Why would foreigners, that sit on colonial thrones, “sacrificing” their great and glorious lives, looting the colony, for their foreign brethren (so they don’t have to), care anything, about the Americans they parasitize? Wouldn’t that be a reason to remove them? From their colonial throne?

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