Schumer Digs In – IOTW Report

Schumer Digs In

Powerline: Chuck Schumer vows to continue his government shutdown forever rather than fund a wall:

President Trump, if you want to open the government, you must abandon the wall, plain and simple.

Schumer claims the Democrats are “open to discussing any proposal as long as they do not include anything for the wall.” Sure they are.

This is all theater, of course. Hugh Hewitt says the shutdown is Schumer’s fault:

This isn’t a debate, or an argument. It’s a fact: @chuckschumer closed the government b/c he would not allow $5 billion of the $4 trillion the federal govt spends annually to be spent on border barriers. It’s an absurd, political stunt. By @chuckschumer. It is his shutdown.

No one doubts how the press will spin the shutdown: no matter who controls Congress, no matter whether the president is a Democrat or a Republican, no matter the circumstances, if the federal government shuts down it is the Republicans’ fault. Beltway Republicans, who care more about the press than the rest of us, have absorbed this lesson, which is why Mitch McConnell hates the idea:  MORE

33 Comments on Schumer Digs In

  1. The Wall is a mandate from the American people. It is what helped put Donald Trump into office.
    Scummer and his merry band of “Anything to Weaken the United States” Communist Rats are giving the Finger to the American people over this!

  2. “Schumer Digs In”

    Sounds like a tick, doesn’t it?
    Another hate-America Globaloney-ist lying hypocrite who will sacrifice America to his illegal-alien invading rat-person delusional fantasy.

    Guy should be in a nut-house.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I believe it was Mark Twain that said “no man is safe while congress is in session”.
    It should come as no surprise that PDJT has finally dug in his heels and demanded the wall be funded. He campaigned on it and has repeatedly requested it for almost two years. Traitorous slimeballs like Ryan, Flake, Cotton and other RINO’s fought it overtly or surreptitiously.
    It always amazes me that a “shutdown” only affects non-essential employees. If they are non-essential then why in the hell are we paying them?
    Stand your ground Mr. President. We want the damn wall.


    At this rate, if we have to build our own wall and arm our own militia, then that is what it will come to. We have a country to defend. What is Congress defending — their own paychecks !

  5. Government Shutdown?
    Did they stop taking tax dollars out of our paychecks?
    Then the government isn’t really shutdown. (Enough)

    BTW, when will Tarring and Feathering come back in fashion?

  6. Shut-downs are never “shut-down.”
    Shut-downs are more of pauses.

    You (the taxpayer) ain’t gonna benefit.
    You (the taxpayer) ain’t gonna get no money back.
    You (the taxpayer) ain’t gonna get a lesser burden.
    You (the taxpayer) are the pawn in Schumer’s pocket.
    You (the taxpayer) will be sacrificed to Schumer’s illegal-alien invaders.
    You (the taxpayer) will be impoverished to finance Schumer’s Globaloney agenda.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Schumer, real intelligent!!!! Wait until you want a bill passed in the next 2-6 years. VETO!!!!! You’re not even the majority leader now or next year so quit acting like you’re fucking important. STFU!!!!!!!!!!!

    And BTW, paint your bald spot.

  8. I wish President Trump would address the nation, on all the networks, including cable. And show the video of ALL the democrats (and RINOs) when they were clamoring for border security, and wringing their hands over the invasion by foreigners. C”mon Mr. President; use your talents to educate the dumbshits out there.

  9. FINE.Keep it shut down until the next general election, and then make them eat it!
    As Patton said, “.’ We’re not holding a goddamned thing. We’re advancing constantly and we’re not interested in holding anything except the enemy’s balls. We’re going to hold him by his balls and we’re going to kick him in the ass; twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all the time. Our plan of operation is to advance and keep on advancing. We’re going to go through the enemy like shit through a tinhorn.”

  10. Tar and feathering is hard and requires fuel with which to heat the tar as well as a PILE of feathers (which most of us do not have laying about)…. I was thinking railroad spikes and 3# mauls (ala Vlad), but I would bet most people do not even have a 3# maul sitting around. Neck tie party is a good idea, but again requires a lot of rope and plenty of lamp posts and stout tree limbs……. hmmmmm, what to do, what to do….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  11. With this much of the ‘establishment’ (the entire media, the left and half the GOP) against closing the border an underlying force appears to be in play.
    Some Globalist cabal down at the heart of things.
    When they fail to break America (because we are the last defense against Global Communism) expect a pandemic so they can hide in their bunkers and come out after us peasants are bones in the streets

  12. Simple. He’s a leftist. Whatever weakens America and what’s left of Western civ, he’s for it.

    And are you sure he’s for border controls in Israel? Most leftists aren’t (“apartheid,” etc).


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