Schumer-Manchin Deal Raises Taxes on Earners Under $400K, Study Shows – IOTW Report

Schumer-Manchin Deal Raises Taxes on Earners Under $400K, Study Shows


The energy and health care deal from Sens. Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer would raise taxes on millions of Americans earning less than $400,000 annually, Senate Republicans say, citing nonpartisan data.

The Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation found that taxes would jump by $16.7 billion on American taxpayers making less than $200,000 in 2023 and raise another $14.1 billion on taxpayers who make between $200,000 and $500,000.

During the 10-year window, the average tax rate would go up for most income categories, the Senate GOP said, citing the data from the joint committee. And by 2031, new energy credits and subsidies would have people earning less than $400,000 pay as much as two-thirds of the additional tax revenue collected that year, the release said. more here

14 Comments on Schumer-Manchin Deal Raises Taxes on Earners Under $400K, Study Shows

  1. “would dedicate hundreds of billions of dollars to deficit reduction by adopting a tax policy that protects small businesses and working-class Americans while ensuring that large corporations and the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share in taxes.”
    Translation……… fucked.

    “large corporations and the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share in taxes.”
    Except for all the loopholes that will be written into the bill so the little guy has to pay the balance.

  2. Does anyone realize that tax revenue has already gone up as a result of inflation? If you pay twice as much for something than you did a year and a half ago (not a stretch) the tax is also twice as much! Now I realize this is pretty simple stuff, but no one in the Media points it out! The point should be that inflation itself is a hefty tax deliberately brought on by democRATz that includes a built-in increase in taxes!
    Now they want to grab for even more!!

  3. Cmn guy

    Major Corporations don’t pay their taxes anyway. You do. They are not the problem.
    This Bull Shit bill targets manufacturers and small businesses. Why would you do that unless you intentionally trying to tank the economy?
    They’re hiring a shit ton of IRS tax extractors to raid small businesses. The graphic above is pretty accurate.
    Unbelievable really.

  4. Hey, its right there in the Constitution, as placed there by the democrat (Satanist) party! The 16th Amendment allows the government, according to the government Poohbahs interpretation, to Tax & Spend and Tax & Spend until Hell freezes over (It’s still hot in Hell, just ask Ted Kennedy)!

  5. Ray Charles could see that.

    Didn’t need a “study,” just had to have been paying attention, however briefly, some time over the past 50 years.

    Schumer and Manchin BOTH hate America (and Americans) and will do everything within their formidable power to see her destroyed. Neither of these parasites has done even a single thing in their combined 88 years in office to the benefit of America or Americans.

    When someone has proven he’s out to destroy you, what’s your best option?
    Sit on your thumb and hope that he stumbles?
    Right there with ya.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Anyone received their property tax assessment yet?
    We’re going to be paying more property tax now that the fucking CA-ssholes have driven home prices to astronomic levels.

  7. Yep. This is your trickle-down economics, Republican 101. Reaganomics tax the poor not the rich. The rich keep America going with jobs & what not. So be prepared to get on your knees & get trickled on.

  8. @Brad August 2, 2022 at 2:32 pm

    > They’re hiring a shit ton of IRS tax extractors to raid small businesses.

    “Small” business, that insist on being on The Lists.


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