Schumer: Mattis, Pompeo, Kelly could be confirmed Friday – IOTW Report

Schumer: Mattis, Pompeo, Kelly could be confirmed Friday

WaEx: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called President-elect Trump’s nominees for key administration posts a “swamp Cabinet” but didn’t rule out that Democrats could allow a handful of national security nominees to be confirmed on Inauguration Day.

Schumer on Wednesday complained about Senate Republicans efforts to rush through many nominees without thorough vetting, but he said his top concerns did not extend to the nominations of Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., to be CIA director, Gen. James Mattis to be defense secretary or Gen. John Kelly to become homeland security secretary.

“Those three nominees were not on the list of the nine that we had the most trouble with and wanted the most extensive hearings,” he told reporters.

“We are discussing that with Sen. McConnell and some of the folks in the White House right now,” he said when asked if those three nominees could be confirmed on Friday.  more here

11 Comments on Schumer: Mattis, Pompeo, Kelly could be confirmed Friday

  1. “Swamp Cabinet”?? What does that even mean? Is Chuck Choomer trying to riff on “Drain the Swamp”? Dems never do that
    sort of thing very well…

    Hillary: “Here’s your I’M WITH HER bumper stickers, folks.”

    Trump: “That’s great for Hillary. But you people know that I’m with you.”

    Hillary: “Um, folks, here’s your new SHE’S WITH US bumper stickers.”

  2. Schumer still thinks the democrats control the senate and the votes……..of course with Mc-caca-in, flake and graham and a few other progressive RINOs he may have some input.
    He should be ignored by McConnell.

  3. Why has America been cursed with a Schumer? Two Schumers, in fact.
    The fact that he exists, much less is a sitting Senator, is an admonishment.
    We should seriously examine ourselves, our motives, our sensibilities, our – whatever – that could impel us to elect such an oozing pustule. He has no redeeming feature – has never, in the course of his long, lugubrious career as a political grifter, liar, thief, and scoundrel done one thing, one single act, to advance the American interest. Has never attempted to improve the lot of America. Has never attempted to further the cause of Liberty, Freedom, and Self-Governance. He is a petty, hateful, nihilistic totalitarian disguised as a what? exactly? What does he pass himself off as, to the denizens of New York?

    It wobbles the mind!
    How could anyone be gullible enough to pull the lever for this clown?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Schmukles the Clown is going to drag his clown feet because the Republicans dragged their feet when the America hating bone smoking Kenyan commie tried to hire Marxists, radical leftists, Muslim agents, North Korean spies, zero qualifications losers from academia, disease infested trans sexual Cubans, sexual deviants, gay drug dealers, and butt buddies from his Chicago bath house days.

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