Schumer tests positive for COVID – IOTW Report

Schumer tests positive for COVID

“The leader is fully vaccinated and double boosted, and has very mild symptoms.”

Just The News: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing “very mild symptoms,” his spokesman said Sunday. 

“As a part of his regular testing regimen, leader Schumer received a positive test result for COVID-19,” spokesman Justin Goodman said. “The leader is fully vaccinated and double boosted, and has very mild symptoms.”

Schumer, a New York Democrat, says he will isolate and work from home this week, as the Senate convenes Monday following its extended July 4th recess. 

His absence, which will keep him from voting, could create challenges for Senate Democrats trying to get enough votes for a multi-billion spending bill – which includes provisions to raise taxes and lower the cost of prescription drugs – before August recess, in the evenly-divided upper chamber.

Vermont Democrat Sen. Patrick Leahy is also temporarily away from Capitol Hill recovering from hip surgery. more

27 Comments on Schumer tests positive for COVID

  1. CDC defined a vaccine as “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”
    So obviously Chucky was not ‘vaccinated’ against the covid.
    Also, note the past tense in ‘defined’, because CDC CHANGED THE DEFINITION when it was clear that the ‘vaccine’ was in fact not.

  2. We should not be wishing death on our political opponents, no matter how evil and reprehensible they are. We’re not liberals, after all.

    Now I DO wish him severe explosive diarrhea for the duration of his illness, and maybe even afterwards…

  3. Schumer’s spokesweasel: “The leader is fully vaccinated and double boosted, and has very mild symptoms.”

    “the leader” is der fuhrer in German.

  4. I read an article about him and covids and s5tqanding next to him in the pic was his wife! Anyone see a pic of Schumer Schmuck’s wife? She looks like a trannie! Put Schumer on a ventilator STAT!

  5. any anti-trumpers, keep sucking man-shell gro-bama dick & swallowing, like buttrack-insane-kneegrowbama – the guy with his hand up obiden’s ass working his lips in the yt-mosque


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