TMZ: Senator Chuck Schumer went in hard Friday on Donald Trump, saying he’s responsible for the “erection.”

Schumer was on the Senate floor when he pressed for an impeachment trial. There’s conflict over when that trial will be held. Mitch McConnell wants to delay it for a few weeks, while many Democrats want the trial held STAT.

Schumer said, “There will be a trial and when the trial ends, Senators will have to decide if they believe Donald John Trump incited the erection.”  more

ht PHenry.

29 Comments on Schumer: TRUMP RESPONSIBLE FOR ‘ERECTION!!!’

  1. Speaking of hard ons.
    Ive had a hard on for Bobby Mac ever since he told us to “stand down” at Way(Hue) 53 years ago! We could have killed millions of ChiCom and NVA and ended to war with victory, instead of an unconditional surrender.

    I now have hard ons for Kevin and Mitch.

    Pills? I dont need no pills!
    Hate works for me.

  2. Speaking of hard ons.
    Ive had a hard on for Bobby Mac ever since he told us to “stand down” at Way(Hue) 53 years ago! We could have killed millions of ChiCom and NVA and ended to war with victory, instead of an unconditional surrender.

    I now have hard ons for Kevin and Mitch.

    Pills? I dont need no pills!
    Hate works for me.

  3. @exJarhead. Allow me to explain to younger readers. Bobby Mac was Lyndon Johnson’s Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara.

    As for Chuck Schumer, I can’t believe that he engorged in such inflammatory rhetoric. Sorry. “Engaged”.

  4. The only thing that makes assholes like Smucky Choomer and Mitch the Bitch erect is raw naked power over the masses. Too bad for them Plastic Face Pelosi has more wood then they’ll ever have.


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