SCHWEIKART: Democrats Are in Worse Shape than They Think – IOTW Report

SCHWEIKART: Democrats Are in Worse Shape than They Think


Warnings — or, in some cases, celebrations — that the Democrats are on the verge of a disastrous collapse have been growing more frequent recently.

Since the election, Rush Limbaugh has been hammering the point that the campaign has only continued — and extended the trend set in 2010, when Democrats lost the House.

Since then, Democrats have lost 1200 national and statewide seats. And earlier this week, Stewart Lawrence, writing in the Daily Caller, and picking up on a study by the centrist “Third Way” think tank, noted that the Democrats are now almost exclusively a coastal party, with a couple of lone interior outposts such as Chicago and Minneapolis.

According to the study, while Hillary Clinton beat Trump in California, New York and Massachusetts by 30%, Trump won the rest of the states by 52-48%.

Some 32 state legislatures are in Republican hands, but in only five states do Democrats control both houses of the legislature and the governor’s mansion. And, as many (including Lawrence) note, in 2018 the Democrats must defend 10 U.S. Senate seats in states that Trump won.  more

13 Comments on SCHWEIKART: Democrats Are in Worse Shape than They Think

  1. Ya know, it would be a whole lot easier for Trump to get his agenda moving if the RINO’s weren’t being the assholes that they are. Ryan, McConnell and a bunch more.
    So Johnny McCain called a U.S. raid in Yemen a failure and used it as an opportunity to trash Trump. Why don’t you tell us about your flying career and the planes you trashed. Seems you were a failure too. Guess it helped that daddy was a 4 star admiral.

    God bless President Trump and protect him. He is doing what no republican has the balls to to do.

  2. Can’t count em out.
    I remember a similar situation a bunch of years ago, when I didn’t much GAF about politics, generally. It was probably around the time of Jimminy Carter’s collapse, but I remember commercials begging for support for the Demonrats – EVEN IF YOU WERE A REPUBLICAN – to help maintain the “2 Party System.” Of course, a scant 12 years later the Demonrats came roaring back with Clinton and a glimmer of the future with HillaryCare (anticipating ObolaCare), Chinese influence bought and paid for, corruption in the highest offices of the land, the further imposition of EPA dictates, and the more coarse indoctrination of children through our “educational” system.
    I may be mis-remembering.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Tim, yes George Bush Sr paved the way by trying to be nice to the Democrats and they screwed him over like the good RINO he was.

    RINOs are the football coaches with a 25 point lead at halftime and don’t want to run up the score because they are afraid of the nasty things people will say about them. So they end up playing not to lose and end up losing. Reagan gave Bush Sr a 49-0 half time lead and the dope lost in the end 52-49.

  4. @The Rat Fink February 11, 2017 at 8:27 am

    “People are wising up!”

    HOW DARE YOU!? People who have earned their way out of the muck, important people, are proud of their stupidity! The ability to live better than most, in defiance of all logic, proves their, personal, superiority! You’re just deplorable!

  5. Never forget that H. Ross Perot defeated George H. Bush, not Clinton. Most of his Independent supporters were conservatives who would have voted for Bush. That little Nut Case enabled the Clintons to move into the White House and set the stage for a lot of what has happened since then.
    I like the new Bicoastal Democrat Party’s inability to return to the more moderate, centrist party that it was when Clinton won reelection and Obama pretended it was to get elected. Live and never learn.

  6. I don’t count the a Dems out. They’ll be back, like cancer, until either their last traces are ruthlessly eliminated, or the patient dies.

    Communist ideology under various disguises has been effectively distributed and most institutions are now infected.

    Simplemindedness, magical thinking, infantilism and tribal race hatreds are deeply entrenched.

    Western Civilization can be saved. But to do so the Left must be eradicated.

    That will require a generation.


  7. Obama looks just like an American gigolo — see photos of him on the boat & kite-sailing down in the Caribbean with that old man. Something is going on and it ain’t normal.

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