Schweizer: Mitch McConnell Wife Are Financially Tied To The CCP – IOTW Report

Schweizer: Mitch McConnell Wife Are Financially Tied To The CCP

GAI President and best-selling author Peter Schweizer joins Steve Hilton to discuss how the McConnell family ties with China are under scrutiny.

22 Comments on Schweizer: Mitch McConnell Wife Are Financially Tied To The CCP

  1. Miss Kitty
    JANUARY 20, 2021 AT 5:53 PM
    “Kentucky are you listening? 🤔 No you’ll keep voting the shit stain back into office.”

    …hahaha, “Voting”…

    …look at the 2019 KY gubernatorial “election”. Republicans won EVERY SINGLE DOWN TICKET RACE, but the top of the ticket went inexplicably “D”.

    They said it was because the teachers union opposed Republican Bevin.

    Like people cared what THE TEACHER’S UNION thought.

    They said it was because Bevin was a brash, harsh iconoclast that just personally rubbed too many voters in this Red state the wrong way.

    …do I have to spell it out?

    …THAT election was a test run for THIS one.

    It was a success.

    So here we are.

    The people of KY won’t be electing SHIT.

    …it’s not the votes, but who COUNTS them that matters, as Stalin could tell you…

  2. Time for you Kentuckians to pay Post Turtle Mitch a visit……with pitchforks, torches, and anything else your imagination can conjure up. No more “Mr Nice Guy”.

  3. @Miss Kitty – MM will be 79…in ONE month from now.

    HE JUST GOT ELECTED…for 8 more years.

    There is no more ‘running for office’ and that motherfucker knows it.

    There…sorry…but ‘fixed’ it for ya…


  4. @ Ghost: He may have six years before his official Senate term is up but he can be recalled at any time – IF KYians give a damn. And then there may be the random SMOD – or fate…

  5. He looks an awful lot like that ugly Rachel guy Crazy Joe just invited into the woodwork of his Washington infestation! Or maybe it is Rachel and he just forgot to put on his blonde fright wig during all of the pomp and pageant held for a bunch of empty chairs and empty demonRAT minds!

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