Schweizer: Mitch McConnell’s Family Fortune Dependent on Chinese Government’s ‘Good Graces’ – IOTW Report

Schweizer: Mitch McConnell’s Family Fortune Dependent on Chinese Government’s ‘Good Graces’

Breitbart: Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, highlighted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) financial ties to the Chinese government as an example of how politicians monetize political influence while evading financial disclosure regulations.

Schweizer joined Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight for an interview with co-hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak to discuss McConnell’s linkages to China, as detailed in his latest book, Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) familial ties to the Chinese state via his father- and sisters-in-law are causes for concern, deduced Schweizer. James Chao, McConnell’s father-in-law, founded Foremost Group, a shipping company that has done “large volumes of business” with Chinese state-owned companies. McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, is the current secretary of transportation.

“So Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, his wife Elaine Chao, who’s the transportation secretary in the Trump administration, her family has deep economic and financial ties to the Chinese government itself,” said Schweizer. “They are in the shipping business, and they own something called the Foremost Group, and really, in 1993, Mitch McConnell, as a senator, travels to China with his father-in-law, James Chao, as guests of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation.”

He continued, “The China State Shipbuilding Corporation is the largest defense contractor in China, and the projections are that by 2030, if current trends continue, they are going to surpass the U.S. Navy as far as naval capability. Basically, what happens is, the China State Shipbuilding Corporation says to the Chao family, ‘Look, we will build your ships. We will finance the purchase of some of your ships. We will provide crews for your ships. We will provide contracts for you to ship state-owned goods from state-owned companies around the Pacific. In other words, we are going to set you up in the shipping business,’ which is exactly what they do, and, in fact, James Chao — this would be Elaine Chao’s father, Mitch McConnell’s father-in-law — and Elaine’s sister, Angela Chao, actually joined the board, in 2007 and 2008, of something called China State Shipbuilding Corporation, CSSC Holdings, which is a subsidiary of the largest defense contractor in China. So you have this powerful American political family that is making U.S. policy related to China, related to trade, and other critical issues that is highly dependent upon the good graces of the Chinese government.”

Schweizer framed McConnell’s “increasingly soft” political positioning towards China as a function of his familial and financial ties to the Chinese state.

“McConnell himself has benefited because a few years ago, James Chao gave Mitch McConnell a gift between five and twenty-five million dollars that more than quadrupled his net worth overnight,” noted Schweizer.  more here

23 Comments on Schweizer: Mitch McConnell’s Family Fortune Dependent on Chinese Government’s ‘Good Graces’

  1. How does this get stopped when the people who should be guarding against this sort of thing have their hands in the till too?
    Voting them out isn’t going to be a practical solution, we’ve been trying that for decades.

  2. Just a couple of days ago, we read here about Joe and Beau Biden, and their crooked sellout to China. And back when Barky ruled, it was Chinese hackers who stole millions of employee records from the government Office of Personnel Management. God knows how many bribes and blackmail schemes will come from that. But by all means, let’s keep beating the shit out of the dead Russian horse.

  3. They (both parties) have so perverted the concept of gov’t “service” that anyone entering the fray is accosted on all sides by enticements to enrich himself at the expense of the country – and it’s ALL legal – immoral, perhaps … but legal.

    “Insider” trading, polluted legislation, political “arm twisting,” and a drumbeat of “everyone does it” makes it difficult, if not impossible, to “represent” one’s constituency’s interests – which have become so grotesque in limiting the Legislature to 435 “Representatives.” They now “represent” geographical areas, not citizens’ interests. And the 17th Amendment should be repealed, as the States have no representation in the Federal Gov’t, at all; but then that WAS the point. The Constitution proposed 1:30,000 citizens (and others) which would give us a Legislature of ~12,000 and that number is great enough that pernicious voting blocs may be avoided.
    The more stymied our Legislature, the safer our Liberties, in general.
    Of course we don’t need an Executive after the fashion of Obola who ran roughshod over the Constitution and the American people to facilitate his dystopian nightmare.

    McConnell is probably no more corrupt than Ryan, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Franken, Boxer, Feinstein, McCain, or any of the rest of them. Once DC transformed itself into a cesspit of corruption, the entire edifice took on the aroma of rot.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Sounds like the post turtle has ‘literally’ million$ of reasons to maintain the swamp in Foggy Bottom.
    Lock him up.
    Lock him up.
    No wonder Hill and Bill are so brazen, they all know no shame.

  5. Shedding light on the darkness we knew existed does not stop the corruption and betrayal of the establishment elite.

    McCONnell and his powerful position is beyond any judicial or Senate inquiry.

  6. Don’t read Schweizer’s book unless you enjoy becoming increasingly angry with every turn of the page. The whole system of politics and government has been thoroughly corrupted.

    I thought “Throw Them All Out” should have caused massive embarrassments and resignations. “Clinton Cash” should have led to a federal investigation into the First Crime Couple.

    Now with this book, I understand why nothing has happened. Everyone in DC is afraid either that their rice bowl will be broken, or they will lose their place in line to ride the dragon in a few years.

  7. meanwhile the sunday news talk show hosts, commentators, the lying msm, cnn, msnbc, joe and mika will all act like they know nothing about any of this and never bring it up on their shows.

    hillary is out making excuses for losing not to the masses but to the deep state who’s rice bowl is about to be broken by not winning the “in the bag” election she promised them she would win.

    she’s fighting and lying for her life right now.

    bet on it !

  8. George Carlen sure nailed it, long ago. “Its a club, and you ain’t in it!” I don’t care that I am not in the club. I do care that our gov. has turned into a club. Especially when Barky was in the Whitehouse. For eight years it was a clubhouse. Golf, party, and get rich while screwing the American people. Barky was always so well pleased with himself. Not a hint of scandal. So tired of these smug fraudulent criminals destroying my country. The story really starts back in 1913 with criminal private bankers getting the Fed Res. Bank into place on that Christmas Eve so long ago. Talk a about a gift that keeps stealing. There you go. The worst part is, Justice always runs away from tyranny. Our Justice system does not see evil for evil. It only destroys the innocent. (easier and profitable) Until now. MAGA!

  9. Here’s the kind of shit CNN, MSLSD, See-BS, et al should be reporting, because I suspect this is the tip of the iceberg, but they’re too busy making something out of nothing indictable on Trump.
    Some profession.

  10. The corruption and collusion by government “elected representatives” and government bureaucracy has spread throughout every city, township, commission, county and state office.

    It could be a favor, a job, a $kickback, favorable vote, legislation, permit approval, fix a parking or speeding ticket, property tax reduction, a license, a grant, a contract or any number of items of preferential treatment provided by elected government representatives and the bureaucracy. All for short term benefit of power, influence and money….. Not for the long term benefit of the citizens.

    “Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.”
    Thomas Jefferson.


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