Schweizer: Most Democrats Fail to Take Vital Precautions Against Fraudulent Foreign Donations – IOTW Report

Schweizer: Most Democrats Fail to Take Vital Precautions Against Fraudulent Foreign Donations

Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer appeared on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow to discuss a report from his Government Accountability Institute that reveals most Democrats do not employ the security codes needed to block foreign donations to their political campaigns.

Schweizer clarified that the security code in question is the CVV code commonly found on the backs of credit cards.

“If you make a transaction on Amazon, if you went to Barack Obama’s campaign website in 2012 and wanted to buy a sweatshirt, you’d have to put in the Social Security number, your name, your address, and that CVV code because they want to make sure that you actually possess the card and you’re not using a fraudulent card for the transaction,” he explained.

“Well, those are not required on the vast majority of Democrat congressional campaign websites,” he said.

“It used to be a much higher number,” he continued. “It’s now a much lower number: less than ten percent require it. To her credit, Hillary Clinton in 2016 did require it.”

“The point is, Alex, it creates a vulnerability because if you are a foreign entity or a domestic entity, and you want to make numerous multiple contributions above a limit under assumed names, if you don’t have that credit card provision on there, you can’t prevent those kinds of fraudulent donations,” Schweizer told Marlow.  MORE

6 Comments on Schweizer: Most Democrats Fail to Take Vital Precautions Against Fraudulent Foreign Donations

  1. “…If you went to Barack Obama’s campaign website in 2012 and wanted to buy a sweatshirt, you’d have to put in the Social Security number, your name, your address, and that CVV code because they want to make sure that you actually possess the card and you’re not using a fraudulent card for the transaction…”

    To stop fraudulent cards…Yeah, that’s the ticket.

    Not like his foreign donor frenzy in ’08. Wild West, baby. Good times, good times.

  2. I remember back when Obama was first running — this very issue was raised and then buried. One of the ways this was discovered by people who care was all the weird amounts of the donations reported — $187.34, $53.25, etc. It was identified as caused by round number donation of Rials or some such going through currency conversion.

  3. @redgrandma; I recall this and another couple of items from that election. The first was that the credit card processing company was instructed to turn off all the safties (address verification, name verification, check digit etc) from the Obama campaign because it was “slowing down” the processing of donations from the little people. The second was a look at the names on the donations were the likes of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and lots of others. The donations were from valid cards with small enough odd amounts that people just paid their balances and very few called up to question the charge. This was reported on but never followed up by the media (or the authorities for that matter) and it could have been a bigger story then Watergate.

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