Scientist Angers Left by Admitting Climate change ‘Consensus’ is Fake – IOTW Report

Scientist Angers Left by Admitting Climate change ‘Consensus’ is Fake

Envolve: We are repeatedly told that climate change is an existential crisis that will kills us all and scientists agree with that in an overwhelming consensus… except there is no such consensus as one scientist is finally admitting.

“It’s a manufactured consensus,” climate scientist Judith Curry told the New York Post.

Curry added that a large number of “consensus” claimers are only looking for popular acclaim and more research cash, or as she put it “fame and fortune.” more

8 Comments on Scientist Angers Left by Admitting Climate change ‘Consensus’ is Fake

  1. The simple fact that NONE of the “climate” hoax alarmists are foregoing petroleum products, air travel, gasoline-powered motorcars, diesel-powered motorcars and boats, coal-fired electricity, or any other modern conveniences is all you really need to know that the whole gaggle of shit is a HOAX.

    It’s not simple hypocrisy – it’s a complete lack of self-awareness. These maggots are blinded by their own feigned virtue.

    When one of these climate millionaires retires to an un-electrified shack in the foothills and rids itself of all plastics, rubber, shaped metal, and refuses all deliveries by motor vehicle, I will begin to take it seriously – until then, it’s all bullshit, all the time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. it is a scam; not a religion, ideology, mistake, hoax, or anything else. it is the perfect scam since no one can prove that it does or doesn’t work (we need more funding) or (see; the weather can be like this all the time if we had more funding) with hundreds of billions of dollars at stake. of course they’re going to get pissed off at anyone with any credibility who calls them out.

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