Scientist At Center Of Lab Leak Controversy Put In Charge Of The Lancet’s Task Force To Investigate Virus Origin – IOTW Report

Scientist At Center Of Lab Leak Controversy Put In Charge Of The Lancet’s Task Force To Investigate Virus Origin

ANYBODY but this guy would be more suitable.

Summit News:

Revered scientific journal The Lancet has created a ‘task force’ to investigate the origins of the coronavirus that caused a global pandemic, yet it has decided to employ as its leader the very guy who funded the dangerous gain of function research at the Wuhan lab and subsequently allegedly ‘bullied’ other scientists into avoiding looking into the lab as a potential source of the outbreak.

In the wake of renewed scrutiny of the lab leak hypothesis, the Lancet’s task force will reportedly “focus on analyzing data on all of the theories put forward on the origins of COVID, on the reasons why SARS-CoV-2 was able to break out of Wuhan and spread globally, and on the most plausible strategies to prevent future pandemics.”

It also states that “The Task Force will review thoroughly and objectively all publicly available evidence, particularly the peer-reviewed literature, and conduct interviews with key leaders in science, medicine, policy and civil society.” MORE HERE

7 Comments on Scientist At Center Of Lab Leak Controversy Put In Charge Of The Lancet’s Task Force To Investigate Virus Origin

  1. “How do they (the left) continue to get away with this bullshit? Is it because we let them, or is it because they truly own us?”

    It’s really simple. First you brainwashed them, then you do whatever you want, just look into education system (public). Old commies tactic. 😉
    [Kung Flu]


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