Scientist Who Called Neighbour a “Spanish Whore” Cautioned by Police for Hate Crime – IOTW Report

Scientist Who Called Neighbour a “Spanish Whore” Cautioned by Police for Hate Crime

While she accepted she should not have shouted at her neighbour, Ms. Madden added: “Ultimately I’m not her mother and I didn’t realise it was illegal to call someone a ‘Spanish whore’”.

23 Comments on Scientist Who Called Neighbour a “Spanish Whore” Cautioned by Police for Hate Crime

  1. Calling names is a crime?!!! That is so weak to go crying to the police about it and outrageous that someone could be arrested for it. I remember one frequent “customer” who unleashed a string of the most vile names at me and when he was done, I told him how impressive and imaginitive it was. Took the wind out of his sails. 😆

  2. Watchout
    The subliminal Blinkie Blinkies are going to be blinky choreographed to the twerking tunes ready to be unleashed in Philly.

    Be careful if your prone to Seizures like our favourite Tentacle friend who has not been heard from for awhile.

  3. Meanwhile, in Spain they’re rioting about all of the bloody English tourists, and we must feel the Spaniard pain.

    If just a quarter of the world’s immigrants went back to where they came from, and stayed there, half the world’s problems would be solved. And if half the international tourists stopped going to other countries, a lot of countries would find out how flimsy their economies really are.

  4. @Lance o Lot:

    Brits aren’t citizens, they are subjects. Which is one reason we parted company a few years back.

    We like to think of ourselves as citizens and not subject, but we really need to keep the definition of ‘citizen’ in mind:

    a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection.

    Emphasis added.

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