Scientists discover Galapagos tortoise thought extinct for nearly 100 years – IOTW Report

Scientists discover Galapagos tortoise thought extinct for nearly 100 years

Just The News: Scientists this week announced the discovery of a specific species of tortoise from the Galapagos Islands, one that was earlier thought to have gone extinct nearly a century ago.

Researchers have long believed that the Fernandina Island Galapagos—a tortoise discovered on its eponymous island near the start of the 20th century—had disappeared from the face of the earth around that time. 

Yet a team of scientists recently declared that investigations into a lone female discovered on Fernandina Island revealed that assumption to be false.” more

17 Comments on Scientists discover Galapagos tortoise thought extinct for nearly 100 years

  1. …I guess Teh Soience isn’t as smaht as it thinks it is.

    Life finds a way.

    A species exists as long as God says.

    The life and death of this planet is not within the power of humans.

  2. Well I wish I could find out using the new Weber premium charcoal grill I got for father’s day, thanks to telling the wife I was the only one on this site who cooked with gas!

  3. Darwin was drawn to the Galapagos Islands because of the history of the indigenous people there killing their own islands. The Galapagos Islands were covered in lush tropical forests with tons of animals. They cut down and burned all the trees and bushes but did not have the intelligence to replant as they cut the finite plants. They also hunted, killed and ate most of the animals and never once thought to capture and raise them to perpetuate the animals. The Galapagos Islands are the cradle of socialism. The birth place of democrats.

  4. Okay which is it 1 lone female, or 2 lone tortoises? No matter what the true story is, scientists were WRONG again. Another worthless untrustworthy profession.

    “The discovery in 2019 of a female tortoise living on the island provided the opportunity to determine if the species lives on,” the team wrote in an article published in Nature.

    “By sequencing the genomes of both individuals and comparing them to all living species of Galapagos giant tortoises, [we showed] the two known Fernandina tortoises are from the same lineage and distinct from all others,” they said.

    Scientists also discovered that there’s no water on Mars like they said there was. /just saying

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