Scientists Have Begun Major Search for Universal ‘Dark Matter’ in Mile-Deep Abandoned Gold Mine – IOTW Report

Scientists Have Begun Major Search for Universal ‘Dark Matter’ in Mile-Deep Abandoned Gold Mine

JTN: Scientists announced this week the launch of experiments in the deepest laboratory in the United States, investigations which experts hope will reveal answers to some of the most fundamental mysteries in the universe.

The research facilities at the Sanford Underground Research Facility are hoped in part to reveal the properties of what’s known as “dark matter,” a substance scientists cannot see but which equations indicate form a huge majority of the total matter in the universe. 

The facility is located a mile underground in the former Homestake Gold Mine in Lead, South Dakota. The depth of the facility was necessary in order to filter out electromagnetic background disturbance from the sun and other cosmic factors.  more

24 Comments on Scientists Have Begun Major Search for Universal ‘Dark Matter’ in Mile-Deep Abandoned Gold Mine

  1. So, scientists in Switzerland and their CERN project looking for Dark Matter was a waste of time and money all along. There it is, laying in a gold mine 1 mile down. But, scientists don’t know what Dark Matter is, they cannot see it, but they think it’s there. They are not God, and to seek out God’s mysteries is not going to end well for mankind.

  2. Elon alright found it in his lithium sites. Now powers his cars. That’s why they went up 10 grand. Only 1 minor drawback, cars want to self ignite while locking in all passengers.

  3. Don’t forget Michaelson-Morley.

    “Of this experiment, Albert Einstein wrote, “If the Michelson–Morley experiment had not brought us into serious embarrassment, no one would have regarded the relativity theory as a (halfway) redemption.””

    We shouldn’t disparage the search for truth – regardless of the results.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Scientific theories are constantly being tested and affirmed or discarded. Science is never finished. That’s why “the science is settled” is such an asinine argument.

  5. This is a way for them to bury all of the clinton, obummer and biden dirty laundry a mile underground. If ghislaine maxwell disappears soon look for her body there too!

  6. Tim – FJB: We shouldn’t disparage the search for truth – regardless of the results.


    I believe there’s people out there who is searching for whatever “truth” they can find. Some go searching for ghosts, Satan, wanting to know if they really exist. When they discover that they do and the “truth” has attached themselves to the seeker, their life becomes a living hell….all for in search of the truth.

    Some want to unlock the mystery of God and how he created the world so they can replicate it themselves–on another planet. I believe man between the creation and the flood, were very much into replicating the mystery’s of God. Where did those Giants come from? Maybe that’s why God destroyed the earth by a flood, it wiped out them and knowledge. BTW, they can’t figure out how the pyramids were built much less discover water on Mars, which they had to admit they were wrong.

    There are some mystery that should be left alone. JMHO.

  7. Goldenfoxx,
    My reference was scientific research (specifically Physics). God and His angels are outside the Universe and cannot be perceived through the scientific method – only through Grace. And none has to seek Satan – he (it?) stalks the Earth and sits on every Council. Avoiding him (?) is the greater problem.

    But, yes, some mysteries should be left alone – like – why Joey Biden? Of all the retarded, evil, malicious, greedy, corrupt maggots polluting the Earth?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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