Scooter Van Neuter shows us the difference between Trump and Clinton rallies – IOTW Report

Scooter Van Neuter shows us the difference between Trump and Clinton rallies

Scooter Van Neuter

16 Comments on Scooter Van Neuter shows us the difference between Trump and Clinton rallies

  1. You Suck!

    Oh gosh. What a phoney baloney. And her minions are worse. She could give a fig about any of them. Does she spend her evenings looking at her bank balance? No warm moments with her hubby. This is one cold fake bitch.

  2. I just watched Hillary in Las Vegas and made a lot of funny comments about her on Facebook.. and what I came away with is.. She’s full of shit and making promises she can’t possibly keep. The crowd there was weak, and the best part, there were two guys starring at each other.. as if they thought the other guy got more money for attending the same gig.. I thought it was freaking hilarious!!

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