Scotland approves hijab as official uniform to boost number of Muslim women joining force – IOTW Report

Scotland approves hijab as official uniform to boost number of Muslim women joining force

IndependentUK: Police Scotland has announced that the hijab will become part of its official uniform as it aims to create a more diverse force.

The force said they hope the move will “encourage women from Muslim communities, who may previously not have seen policing as a career option, to reconsider”.

In the past, Muslim police officers in Scotland were allowed to wear the hijab, but only once it was approved by senior staff members.

The Metropolitan Police introduced the hijab as an optional part of the force’s official uniform in 2001 as part of a similar drive to recruit a more diverse mix of officers.

In a statement, chief constable Phil Gormley said: “I am delighted to make this announcement and welcome the support from both the Muslim community, and the wider community, as well as police officers and staff.   MORE

28 Comments on Scotland approves hijab as official uniform to boost number of Muslim women joining force

  1. Maybe they could approve nudity as an official uniform in order to entice all of those 200 lb linebacker type female nudists to join! Even nudists deserve a diversity break!

  2. “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”
    Drugs and alcohol really will fuck you up.
    Scotland’s had too much of both. I’m guessing that the smarter, or hardier, Scots left generations ago.


    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Why is Scotland (and the rest of Europe) committing suicide?
    If its own citizens won’t defend its traditions, then the invaders will not think they are worth keeping.

    The ghost of Neville Chamberlain and his band of appeasers, at any cost to the Kingdom, are having the last laugh. I wish that there was a latter-day Winston Churchill waiting in the wings.

  4. “90% of muslim females in the UK live on welfare, their job is “birth-jihad “”

    Yup. In hog control, the best practice is to trap whole sounders at once. But if that’s not so do-able, then taking out the breeding sows first is the next best plan.

  5. I don’t understand why a police force would want to encourage women to join. Men are much better suited to a job that requires physical strength.

    But, encouraging hijab wearing, sharia law supporting mooselimb supremacist skanks to join the police is double the stupidity. They aren’t physically qualified for the job, they don’t even believe in the law of the land, and their head bags pose a safety risk. Not to mention, that it is prolly hard to run in pursuit of a suspect with a mutilated hoo haw between one’s legs.

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