Scotland Yard Closes Investigation into Prince Andrew’s Sexual Abuse Allegations – IOTW Report

Scotland Yard Closes Investigation into Prince Andrew’s Sexual Abuse Allegations

Human Events

Scotland Yard announced Sunday that it has closed the investigation into sexual abuse allegations against Prince Andrew, and no further action will be taken against him. 

As previously reported by Human Events News, a woman who accused Jeffrey Epstein also sued Prince Andrew for allegedly sexually assaulting her when she was only 17. 

“I am holding Prince Andrew accountable for what he did to me,” Virginia Giuffre said in a statement. “The powerful and rich are not exempt from being held responsible for their actions. I hope that other victims will see that it is possible not to live in silence and fear, but to reclaim one’s life by speaking out and demanding justice.” 

“I did not come to this decision lightly,” she went on. “As a mother and a wife, my family comes first – and I know that this action will subject me to further attacks by Prince Andrew and his surrogates – but I knew if I did not pursue this action, I would be letting them and victims everywhere down.”  more

33 Comments on Scotland Yard Closes Investigation into Prince Andrew’s Sexual Abuse Allegations

  1. Think about this:

    The Entire Country of England’s National Anthem is “GOD SAVE THE QUEEN”

    Anybody actually believe that they would prosecute her retard fuck up son?

    Inbred Euro Fucks!

  2. How many of you brainiacs had the Duke Lacrosse team guilty until proven innocent?

    Not much information in at article like how 17 is the age of consent, she was so proud of being in the same room as the Prince she had a photo taken and sent it to her mother. She has admitted being paid for her services. That doesn’t mean the Prince paid her or abused her, but there is a large body of knowledge not covered in that puny article.

    Her lawyer is taking the case on contingency for a piece of the action.

  3. I read a very long, very interesting article about this woman today. Damned if I can find it now. Anyhoo, she was basically a drug addicted hooker from the age of 14 or 15. Ran away from home many times. Could not have possibly been in some of the places at some of the times she has stated. Has made millions from her lies. Was in cahoots with a Daily Mail “journalist” who encouraged her to write her book. Many of the claims in her book have been have been disproved. I’m not saying randy Andy is a saint but most of the timelines she gives of her meetings with him can be proven to be not true.

  4. @LBS

    I did not know about John Gruden.
    Personally I did not like him as a MNF Commentator but as the raiders Coach he was quite good.

    Story verified, thanks.

    PS> New Jersey Jets Suck!

  5. The nonpartisan FBI and the stellar US Capitol Police must have assisted the Justice seekers of the British Scotland Yard.
    After all, they are all there to protect the “Elite” from all threats true, false, real, imagined, corruption and perversion.
    Justice isn’t Blind to the illegal actions it protects, it’s eyes are wide open and is complicit.

  6. ::::: OCTOBER 11, 2021 AT 9:55 PM
    “Let me get this right. So, some of you are OK with this so-called prince fucking this kid?”

    Not sure if your comment is directed to me but let me state that there is no proof that he fucked her. I’m not defending him. She was over the age of consent when she meet him and when that photo of them together was taken. Said photo, by the way, that she has never produced an original copy of.

  7. Andrew is an entitled snobby prick rat-bastard no doubt.
    Just like Epstein and Clinton.
    Everyone knows he is untouchable scum just like Clinton.

    That girl however, didn’t complain at the time.
    She went along with it.
    I’m not blaming the victim, just know that she is not completely without fault.

  8. It is all right here:

    “Have you noticed that the further a government descends into tyranny and evil, the thicker and thicker the code of statutes becomes? On the surface, one would think that flagrant law-breakers in positions of power would tend toward anarchy, removing the “roadblocks” from the law that might jeopardize or imperil them as they pursue ever-increasing levels of power through criminal activity. This is exactly wrong. DNs, because they define themselves as “elite”, need a metric against which to measure and quantify their “eliteness”. That metric is The Law, specifically the extent to which The LAW DOES NOT APPLY TO THEM.”

    “ Having planned and fantasized about his malevolent actions, the DN will watch and study those around him in the aftermath. Every instance of “looking the other way” the DN sees gives him an even more intense rush, because to look away from his crimes is to capitulate and submit to him – an even more complete capitulation than the actual victim. Every lie that a sycophant tells to cover for the DN is a rush. Every groveling justification made on the DNs behalf for the DNs unjustifiable, or even criminal behavior, is like the rush of a drug – and far more psycho-spiritually potent than the initial act itself.”

    I have shared this insight numerous times and it’s applicability is never found wanting when it comes to these globalist cocksuckers. They are all the same in their underlying pathology and Diabolical Narcissism is the common vice that all of these worthless fuckers share.

  9. FWIW, the Ann Bernhardt piece above not only lays out the motivation driving those who are the lead character in these productions, it also gives insight into the Deep State apparatchiks who play a supporting roll. It is a concise, comprehensive and compelling and can be applied universally so far as I have seen. All of the pieces fit together and offer a seamless explanation. Nothing had to be forced, like a square peg in a round hole, everything fits together perfectly.

  10. “ And it will only get worse from here, on a quadratic escalation curve, because once these people have power and momentum they never, ever back off. They are like sharks frenzying in chum. Soon mere lying, mere treason, and mere contract killing will not generate a sufficient rush of diabolical satisfaction. Soon, as with Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Kim, they will only be satisfied by committing their crimes in full, open view, as in public executions, “shoot on sight” orders, and then demanding not just your capitulation, but your undying gratitude. “It was FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.”

    So yeah, they want to get caught. They all want to get caught. But not because they have any interest in repentance or reform. They want you to see them break the rules, break the law, disenfranchise, enslave, and kill you, and then watch you fold in front of them and prove, once again, how vastly superior to you they are.”

    Tell me that you are not witnessing these very behaviors under the pretext of fighting Covid.

  11. At the “Divine Right of Kings”, I’m out.

    That so many of you care at all about: the queen’s wardrobe, her imbecilic offspring, their marriages, their dirty laundry…. deeply disappoints me.

    F’- the ‘royal family’,
    America rightly rejected their tyranny and inbred stupidity ages ago.


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