Scott Atlas is a needed voice of wisdom and reason on the Coronavirus Taskforce – IOTW Report

Scott Atlas is a needed voice of wisdom and reason on the Coronavirus Taskforce


Thank goodness that President Trump has appointed a knowledgeable, credible counterbalance to the Coronavirus Taskforce. Dr. Scott Atlas is not a bureaucrat like Dr. Anthony Fauci or Dr. Deborah Birx; he is a world-renowned scientist and physician who seems to actually study the totality of the impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic. Dr. Fauci, by contrast, has repeatedly conceded that he hasn’t considered the economic impacts and secondary public health crises of his COVID-19 advice.

Whereas Drs. Fauci, Birx and others have whipsawed their policy recommendations on everything from masks to lockdowns, Dr. Atlas has been a steady, consistent voice of scientific rationality through the course of this epidemic. While Dr. Fauci has praised New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo for his handling of the virus, even though it reportedly may have led to the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home patients in that state, Dr. Atlas advocated for protecting the most vulnerable of our society. You know who the most vulnerable are — the elderly, particularly those with other serious medical conditions.

Of course, being a voice of a common-sense response to the COVID-19 epidemic means Dr. Atlas is in the sights of Democrats and other critics, whose goal appears to be to keep America in perpetual fear and chaos. The left’s propaganda arm knows that if there isn’t a real complaint to throw at someone, it may become necessary to simply invent one in order to further the narrative. And this is what is happening to the totally apolitical Dr. Atlas. more

10 Comments on Scott Atlas is a needed voice of wisdom and reason on the Coronavirus Taskforce

  1. Will he, maybe, be able to bring us the true numbers about the virus instead of just the selective and inflated numbers that are intended to do nothing but induce fear and control peoples thinking and actions?

    Things like, for instance, how many of those positive tested “cases” if the disease actually get sick and how many just have a normal immune response that kills it in the bud before it causes the illness?

    For that matter, maybe that could also include all known transmissions by people with no symptoms? This could be highly interesting information since all that mask/lockdown/quarantine stuff is based on this.

    And on and on, all information that should be readily available but seemingly cannot be found anywhere for consideration when making our choices in how to deal with it (if it actually needs dealing with to prevent it from running its natural course in the population).

  2. Imagine our Federal health agencies being run by the best medical professionals instead of bureaucrats beholden to Big Pharma, the corporate globalists and the Chinese.

    Then imagine that happening at the state and county level (some already are).

    Then imagine totally depoliticizing healthcare.

    Then imagine free market healthcare.

    Okay, I’ll start with that last one first!

  3. Scott Atlas is the one and only person I will listen to or believe.

    The POTUS should REMOVE PHONEY FAUCI.anybody see Tucker last night? He had quite a group of doctors telling real truth.

  4. Scott Atlas is a brilliant choice to straighten out the mess Dr. Swampy Deep State has created. He’s kicking lots of sand in the faces of the Dementiacrats and their Ministry of Propaganda. Bravo!

  5. People should know that there is no such thing as a “temporary” program where the government is involved. Once the idiotic mask edicts came down, it was going to be a fight to every get the mandates to go away. If people do nothing, we will literally have to be wearing masks decades from now.

  6. I’ve lost count of how many times today I’ve heard, on radio or tv, that covid-19 deaths could spike to 300k ~ 400k. That’s a lot of effort to keep the level of fear cranked up.


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